htown1980: If so Hatred has around 9% of the votes of the most voted game (and presumably even less than the entire gog community). Doesn't that statistic support SirPrimalform's suggestion that the people who care are a minority?
OneFiercePuppy: Your cis-speciesist patriarchal oppressive mathematics can't hide the truth! A vocal minority is a majority of cause and purpose. My pure mind-body-soul resists your microaggressions and revels in the revelation of revealing the.. importance... of a game called freedom.
I had that under control for a minute, but I lost it somewhere.
heh heh. good point.
DeathDiciple: Funny how the 47k votes you're referring to is a manipulated wishlist that GOG has internally merged against the will of the people that actually voted, and many of them have called a fraud and asked for un-merge. An appropriate thing to use as a 'proof' indeed.
That is funny. Believe it or not, I was not aware of that fraud. It sounds horrible. I was just comparing it to the most voted. Lets try the second most voted. That appears to be System Shock 2 (unless of course a similar fraud has been perpetuated).
4,100 / 36,000 x 100 = 11%.
Hmm... 11% still sounds like a minority to me. Thoughts?
htown1980: Am I misreading or does the community wishlist have around 4100 votes and the most voted game has around 47,000 votes.
If so Hatred has around 9% of the votes of the most voted game (and presumably even less than the entire gog community). Doesn't that statistic support SirPrimalform's suggestion that the people who care are a minority?
SirPrimalform: There's also the fact that the majority of those voters apparently don't care enough to make a noise. The number of people actually still beating this horse skeleton is pretty minuscule (on both sides of the argument). I'm mostly here out of gruesome fascination.
Absolutely. I wonder how many people actually use gog. I would guess 100,000s (but I could be completely wrong) so it seems really strange to me that someone would suggest 4,100 could be the majority of gog users...