LeonardoCornejo: I have, for example Anita Sarkeesian.
SirPrimalform: I thought you were referring to people in this thread. I haven't seen any GOGgers who are actually pro-censorship.
Whatever one's opinion on Anita Sarkeesian, I also doubt that GOG cares what she or anyone else in this apparently vocal minority thinks.
Well, I don't know every single GOG user, but I am sure there is at least one who supports Sarkeesian's views, and that kind of people is a very vocal minority, I mean, if they managed to push Target to ban GTAV, they don't even have to do more than give a mean look to GOG to prevent them from releasing a game, they don't even have to adress them directly. I percieve GOG as a hostage of a vocal minority trying to see how much they can push the boundaries without having SJWs on their backs. That is why they are brave enough to release The Witcher 3, which is thougher to bring donw, and not willing to release Hatred, they are not going to take the risk of releasing a game with bad rep which might get them in trouble with the paragons of censorship, they have enough shit already.
Honestly I am not one of those who despise GOG for not releasing Hatred, I see them with pitty, I feel bad for them, I see GOG as a victim, as a hostage with a figurative gun on its head telling the population to fuck themselves on behalf of terrorists. They are the kid who avoids befriending the umpopular new kid because the bullies could beat him to a pulp for doing so.
I just wish GOG had more spine and began to release realy wanted titles in stead of releasing artsy things such as Her Story. I understand they are playing safe, but they are not playing wise. As long as they don't release Sunset or Depresion Quest I will still have respect for them.