LeonardoCornejo: Yes, I watchd a couple, and debunkings and decosntructuons of them too. Her videos are full of lies and cherrypicking.
Dalswyn: Cherrypicking, sure. Lies, not so much. Why do you feel the need to antagonize her?
Many supporters of gamergate are a shame, not all, but many (mostly all that interfere with Zoe Quinn personal life) but Anita is just an opportunist making money and taking profit of any small detail she can use to win visits, RTs, buzz and economic support.
She picture herself pretty well with MAD MAX recently, and more recently and even in a clearer way with THE WITCHER 3
Feminist Frequency @femfreq 11 hhace 11 horas
Enemies call Geralt “freak” & “mutant’ due to fictional prejudice against magic. When they call Ciri “cunt” it’s rooted in real life sexism.
Feminist Frequency @femfreq 11 hhace 11 horas
Enemies in Witcher 3 yell gendered insults at the playable female character but insults thrown at the male lead are decidedly not gendered.
Yeah SURE Anita, let's check one of your "curated" games...
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGYNF2wWQAACgeZ.png YaTEdiGo: By the way... I am the only one that would LOVE a XCOM with HATRED graphics, gore, destruction physics and isometric style? (But turn-based and with the same strategic and tactical options of the old XCOMs)
Seriously I couldn´t stop thinking about it when I was walking through the neighborhood, much more when I just jumped in the second floor of some buildings.
Wow, that WOULD BE a GAME to consider. I always wanted an UFO DARK game, in isometric view, with breathtaking dark art design, good animations, and not third person views, just tactical isometric game-play.
(And yes I own XENONAUTS and I think is great, and I enjoyed the new XCOMs and also own the Aftermath series here on GOG, but I still think there is not a "perfect" UFO game, with really scary and evil "greys" or Aliens, in a much darker and gore setup than all the XCOM like games we already have.)
DeathDiciple: Yeah, I'd very much like to see something like that.
Really? I am glad I didn't been the only one that imagined this, seriously I think the engine and the arts would fit something like this so well! And it would be also a much more interesting game.
LeonardoCornejo: I mostly ignored her until recently that she began to gain power, all her propaganda talks, her "Listen and believe thing", and her apearance on TV make her the next Jack Thompson (minus the honor) and we both know he was not ignored, he was proven wrong over and over again.
DCT: And she gained power because people paid attention to her and brought focus on her which causes more people to notice her, which in turn causes her proponents to lash out at her more and bring more attention to her which causes even more of her proponents lash out at her and bring more attention to her.. and so on and so forth.
See the problem? Let's take Mr. Thompson shall we? he didn't go away because people were hitting him with "truth bombs" left and right exposing his arugements for the flimsy pile of mindless drivel they were, he went away because he made a ass out of himself one time too many, decided to challenge the constitutionality of the Florida bar association, made a public ass out of himself and got disbarred and then people just ignored him as he no longer a credible threat since no one in the general public is going to take seriously a attorney who got himself disbarred because he went even further off the deep end.
In other words he went away because no one was paying any attention to him anymore because he was a disbarred discrace that lost his license to practice law by doing something insanely stupid.
Thompson was easily debunked because he was only a puritan, Sarkesian is a con actor and a puritan, but mixed with feminism is very difficult for anyone to debunk her as you would be automatically considered a mysogin or worse.
Feminism doesn't need to be puritan to be feminism, but all together comes to be confusing, so if you are a feminist woman, but you aren't a puritan, you can choose to ingenuously support such puritan causes because they look like "feminism", or just not approved them and be accused of not being a "feminist" supporter, even being a woman and probably supporting many other less puritan feminist agendas. The "left" in USA is reaching the "right" more and more, in many issues. No wonders many of them are complaining about video-games being patriarchal to later defend the rights of monotheistic and patriarchal religions like Christianity or Muslims. Do not misunderstand me, I think they could be defended, is just that it doesn't make any sense to defend MANLY GODS because you know, religion is a "sacred cow" and complain about "cunt" insults in THE WITCHER3... Funny to see people outraged with Milo Manara Spiderwoman to later be happy defending the rights of being a believer of monotheistic religions that are extremely afraid of the women body, makes pretty much sense...
As I said these people have much more of PURITANISM than FEMINISM...
etb: I won't buy it outside GOG, but just to know, is this game is REALLY politically correct? And with this I mean, can you really kill everything you might find in a city? I understood there are no child, but what about:
- minorities; I do not want to appear racist you know, can obviously I kill whites, but what about blacks, chinese, etc?
- in the world not everyone is young and fit, people can be fat or old, can I kill old and fat guys/gals?
- animals like dogs, cats, or more exotic ones like snakes or lions in a Zoo; I do not want to appear specist either why kill only homo sapiens?
- gun nuts, we know most weapons are in the hands of civilians in the US[1], I'd like to play the myth 4;
- other kind of unusual people like crossdressers...
- can I play as a women?
If it is really politically correct, well... then it is an istabuy when/if appears here.
Weapons in the US.
DCT: Minorites I didn't really see but it's hard to tell since it's in black and white and overhead prespective
In the gameplay I have seen, I never seen fat people or any elderly
No animals
Yes there are gun nuts and they seem to be as annoying as the cops as they will come after you and try to take you out and they look like they will gang up on you.
No cross dressers, this isn't Kill all the Fags..
No you can't play as a Woman
, just a emo glenn danzig in a trench coat spouting lines that sound like they belong in a Lincon Park song or a teenager's attempt at Death metal lyrics. LOL, pretty acurate...