fronzelneekburm: Wow, that's a most cowardly move. Especially since if shit really were to hit the fan, they wouldn't be the ones in trouble, but the store selling it. Fucking rebels, sticking it to the man and bravely complying with local censorship laws that nobody ever cares to enforce in the realm of digital distribution. Let's assume for a moment that GOG did pick this game up for distribution. Let's also assume the game got banned in Germany for real. What's the German government going to do about it? Invade Poland?
For all their anti-SJW posturing, these guys opened my eyes as to what the real problem is: It's not the screeching hordes of offended-by-design tumblrinas, the asinine governments or corrupt games "journalists". It's cowardly devs who cave in to the whims of those groups. It's not like you can win with those three, so it's best to ignore them.
There's really no need to go overboard with this.
Valve has predicted problems with local censorship laws, and the Hatred devs have deemed the risk not worth the hassle. I really don't blame them for this, the problem still are the laws of the target countries.
As to what could happen: probably more than we think. Yes of course there are laws within the EU preventing GOG from distributing banned material to Germany. Yes of course a vendor who ignores these laws will deal with legal consequences (and GOG has been hit with legal consequences for lack of regional pricing already).
While the BPjM has no say in this, maybe the IARC does. I'm not that familiar with present laws because I'm primarily interested in less violent games – with a few exceptions, starting with Resident Evil 2 in 1997.
As to the general haterade against "SJW", publishers and governments...
We can safely say that the Hatred devs did their best to deliver an "anti-SJW" game. The result is mixed. Going by the definition of an "SJW game" found on reaxxion in a March 2015 article, Hatred has all the simplistic gameplay mechanics of an "SJW game" (ohhhhhhh), yet definitely doesn't have the "obsession with visuals" that reaxxion finds so characteristic of "SJW games". Also, plenty of failure states and no shoehorned-in social topics, in fact no sensible story at all.
What do you say, those are arbitrary, extremist criteria and do not describe a coherent type of game? Agreed. But that's what happens when people are using "SJW" as an abbreviation for a whole bunch of perceived, clearly distinct, independent developments within game culture.
For what it's worth:
Hatred and its advertisement should have served as a lesson for a whole lot of people. It should not have gotten any kind of attention whatsoever, because it's a thoroughly uninteresting game, foreseeably so. It became relevant when the devs tried to make it look as if the game was the pinnacle of a certain counter culture, and it became relevant when some journalists started perceiving it as such.
We never needed either bandwagon.