etb: But do anyone actually played this game? is it so good to deserve all this noise?
Yes, it eventually unlocked on Desura. It's actually quite fun and challenging on the hardest difficulty. The aiming is pretty good, and there's just enough gameplay to keep me interested, I turned off the voice acting and music, so it's pretty eerie at times. It doesn't have a lot of depth, but it does its thing well, more than mindless wave shooters, if you ask me.
Got surrounded by SWAT and police a few times, and only tactics can save you. You have to keep moving, choose when to reload and to execute someone to regain health. It's more of a tactical shooter than a random massacre game. You can also escape in a car, blow up a lot of stuff, even walls.
The performance gets worse over the course of a level, especially with high destruction. It can get abysmal and choppy.
I think I'll play some more before bedtime.