Supremtin: just more reasons why people should stop defending cdpr and accept that they are a bunch of hypocrites
DCT: Hypocrite? okay point to me where it's stated that Hatred was rejected for it's controversial subject matter?
As far as I can tell no one knows why it was rejected outside of GOG themselves and probley the devs and neither side is elaborating on it. All I ever seen the Devs say on the subject was that they were told "it was good but they(GOG) just couldn't sell it"
That is vauge as hell and could mean many things, the asking price was too high, the game had issues, whatever.
Honestly I may have missed a few posts but I don't think I recall seeing anyone meantion that it was fine if GOG rejected it based on the game's premise. Just that GOG is free to reject stuff because it is their store and unlike Steam has become they are picky on what they approve and yes they do make silly decisions Cat Lady, Xenonauhts, Avernum: Escape from the pit all rejected granted they changed their minds and accepted them sure but they were still rejected and some for dumb reasons like being too high for a indy game.
Now I will agree that if they did reject Hatred for it's premise while selling Postal 1 which is the same damn thing just older(same as in your a guy going level to level on a shooting spree killing cops and civilians). It would be wrong but again there is no proof that they did that. Yet you sit there and get all raging keyboard warrior about it, calling them hypocrites and insulting anyone who disargees, like there is anything more then pure unfounded speculation that was the case.
You and others like you sit there and bitch about the Social Justice warrior crap and yet in the end you act no better then they do, you are the epitomy of being the diffrent side of the same coin because that level of irrational behaviour is the same crap you get from those who claim to be opposed to, making you no better then they are and so the only hypocrite based on what I have seen here is you. Because you seem to act like your better but your not, your as close minded, ingorant and blind to anything that casts doubts on your crazy notions just like those you condemn.
first of all youre being a fanboy how many times does gog have to flop for you to realize they aren't as good as you guys think them to be, why are you still defending gog the only reason this game got rejected is exactly the same reason why steam pulled it of from greenlight and also the same reason why twitch is now banning AO games, gog just doesn't support the games content and they know theyre going to receive a lot of hate when they come clean and say it so they are going to keep quiet and have funboys like you defend them cause if theres stil a probability of them being right there will be atleast one funboy to find it plus means to use it to defend them(I mean why come clean and ruin the chance for some funboy to defend you on the basis of maybe)
THIS is just what cdpr those they make a probability sit on their asses refuse to comment and have people defend them, if the witcher 3 downgrade didn't teach you that then am afraid youre too funboyish to ever find fault with gog and will forever defend them as long as they keep quiet and leave the possibility of them being right