Supremtin: you know what I don't care what you think anymore
Fenixp: See, for me to care what you think, you need to:
a) present your thoughts as subjective
b) present evidence of what you are saying
(optional) Be polite
Not only you failed to do either of those things, you even failed the optional objective. And that one's actually fairly easy to do.
you know what? this exact same thing happened with the witcher 3, there was a downgrade, cdpr refused to comment because it was clearly obvious that they downgraded the game, yet stupid funboys like you kept defending them, then the game actually turned out to be downgraded
I mean seriously don't you think if gog had some other reason for not hosting the game they would have let the world know by now? but no they wont because they know they have no real reason for not hosting the game, and they also know people like you exist to defend whatever shady thing they do just like what happened with the witcher 3, so tell me do you really NOT believe that gog has no solid reason for not hosting the game, well apart from what I said earlier?