Telika: 1) Oh, so you'll buy t for the same reason that others rejoice that it isn't sold here, "to piss off some people" ? I suppose it's a fair enough motive ?
2) Also, you don't like it, but you'll argue to your last breathe about this specific game having to be sold here, which you won't do for all the games (and actually better ones) that aren't being sold here either ?
3) And you don't like it, but the idea that it may have been considered too lame (for many reasons) by GOG is just absurd in your eyes ?
4) As I interpret it, you're a fanboy so enamoured with the mere theme of the game (omg so transgressive and ballsy) that this aspect suffices to overlook everything else (your claimed dislike for topdown shooters, the game's flaws, the range of motives to not sell it, etc). If I'm wrong, then point me to a post where you have criticized some Hatred fanboy's fanaticism somewhere on these threads (where it has been blossoming for days). Show me where you've been critical of Hatred fanboyism, and understood how and why some people enjoy the idea of "pissing off" these fans.
Cause, so far, your one-sidedness doesn't seem so different from the one of all the Hatred insta-fans, who, without knowing much more than the game's premise, declared a religious blasphemy (necessarily driven by some sjw-satanic-influence) to dare disdaining this relic here.
And at least, not very critical of this attitude.

Supremtin: 1) what do you mean by for the same reason that others rejoice its not being sold here? who is actually rejoicing that the game isn't being sold here apart from those stupid hypocrites who go about killing characters in other games and now that theyre feeling the true emotional stress for killing that should be existing in every game, start hating on the game because apparently killing to them only applies when it cant be morally justified. AND I am going to buy the game heck am even going to advertise it so those f*cking hypocrites who want to taint games with their stupid white knight act that's clearly fake will shut up(hopefully if the game sells well). oh and btw gog just so happens to be one of them now
2) Hahaha why don't you get ubisoft to launch their next ac game here drm free ( /s ) for gog to reject it so I can defend it, you should really think before you start typing crap
3) Typical funboy post, clearly the fact that the only reason this game has been denied is due to its rating and motives doesn't seem palpable to that 2yr old brain of yours makes you look so adorable( so basically you want to tell me that hatred if hosted here would be the only game on gog that's lame? see how stupid you look now?) Oh and the game is in no way lame its not good but its NOT lame
4)What part of I don't like top-down perspective games don't you get?(I will rather have much more fun shooting and killing civilians in gta v than hatred), its because of idiots like you that I will go way out of my comfort zone to defend and even buy I game I have no intention of playing. That's because unlike you, hatred funboys are mature ADULTS that leave no funboyism in their posts for me to critize, why don't you find me one?
My One Sidedness? haha youre the one going around trying to find ways of justifying what gog has done when even they themselves have refused to comment on this matter(again just like the witcher downgrade) Why don't you shut the f*ck up for once and actually read what people say about the game, most people don't like the game, gameplay wise.(there are no hatred fanboys its not even possible the game hasn't even released yet) but as long as people like you exist we are going to keep defending and buying games like this one even though we may not even want to play them
I personally have no problem with gog not hosting the game this is their store they can do whatever they want with it but it just shows me that they are a bunch of hypocrites and the only reason why am even commenting on this matter is cause of funboys like you that will take anything they say like starved wild dogs and defend them when they are clearly just hypocrites
EDIT: If you cant see that gog consists of a bunch of hypocrites who are too cowardly to host an AO rated game that is solely about killing innocent people, then YOU ARE CLEARLY A FANBOY and I wont take any of such fanboy posts seriously. WTH is with you people cdpr lied for months about the witcher 3 downgrade yet you still trust them enough to think that every thing the do is for a good cause, its pathetic really.
ooooooooooooooo kay.
You sir are batshit insane. So yeah, the circular thingy ("Hatred is not a game for the crazies! We are not crazies! You are all the crazies! I am now stuffing my socks up my nose to repel your mind ants!") still applies.
These threads are truly a homogeneous collection of anti-Hatred arguments, half of them on purpose, half of them not.