realkman666: When is the last time you've heard about a mass murderer or stray shooter being level-headed and mature? These people are disturbed and lack understanding of themselves and the world. Did you want a distinguished scholar who wants to punish the evils of the world because he has gained greater understanding?
This is who these people are, and you don't want to know about it. Life is not a romantic novel.
peacef5rog: I...what? I'm not saying its player-character is insufficiently sympathetic or whatever, I'm saying everything I've seen about the game is something that, from an artistic perspective, an adult should be embarrassed by.
The devs appear to be on the level of angsty teenagers and they're making an artistically -- not just morally -- bankrupt game for which they deserve mockery.
And anyway, plenty of spree killers have unhinged, otherworldly manifestos. This guy's "Hate. Kill. Die. Argh." lines are plain boring. If you're going to make a disgusting game, fine. Just don't make a crap one and expect respect for it.
The trailer is almost Kimveer Gill verbatim. I don't know how you manage to know about the "devs" by so little. I really like your line about mockery, reminds me of the whole Columbine thing.