CarrionCrow: Wait a can't kill children in the game?
GameWatcher: There must be areas that even Hatred shies away from – murder of children, extended torture and so on. If you’re saying that virtual violence is meaningless, shouldn’t there be no limit as to what you can depict?
Jarosław Zieliński: The fact is, we’re not some sick kind of guys here at Destructive Creations and even we have some borders, we wouldn’t cross. So even for us killing children in this game would be uncomfortable.
Klumpen0815: Thank you for the info. I am now laughing my ass off. =)
Also, had a great idea for a version of Hatred. Side missions, if you will. The main character kidnaps children after killing their families and effectively trains them to be expendable child soldier-like human shields, brainwashing them, teaching them how to shoot, telling them that the targets need to be killed for whatever reason, then bringing them along as backup.
If the main character gets in a situation where they're pinned down and low on health, they can bullshit the kid into going full kamikaze and soaking up all those pesky SWAT team bullets so the character can flank the targets while their little protege gets their skull ventilated.
The main character lives, you avoid the game over, but you lose any progression you put into training the kid, since perma-death would be in play. If you send little Timmy or Suzie to distract the snipers with their sub-machine gun, don't expect them to come back in anything less than pieces, that kind of thing.
I need to get into making games....;)