Starmaker: Assuming you like the game and sympathize with the devs -- are you nuts? Why on earth would you want GOG to make an official statement? I mean, suppose GOG is in collusion with the World Feminazi Dictatorship, do you actually expect them to say, "We are in collusion with the World Feminazi Dictatorship"? No, they'll say something subjectively negative about the game, like, "Unfortunately, it's not up to our standards". How exactly will it be helpful?
LeonardoCornejo: Because I have faith that GOG is not coluded witht he corrupt politically correct agenda (Based on the fact that feminazis hate their games, the GamerGate thread is not deleted, and many games released here are not well liked by feminists and other politically correct groups) is that I want a public statement.
DCT: I remember when Steam used to do that too, It wasn't uncommon for devs to submit their games multiple times to Steam and be rejected every single time till some mysterious planetary alignment happened and what not then it gets accepted. SPAZ/Space Pirates and Zombies was rejected for over two years before they got accepted. Now look at Steam they went in the completely opposite direction and the place is swimming in a sea of crap and I can't be bothered to swim through and try to find the diamonds in the rough.
Which brings me to my point we either deal with curation and often weird logic behind rejections like when Xenonauts was rejected for being too high of a price for a indy game or we can go in the other direction and have another Steam, Desura, Apple App store, Google play where it's flooded with garbage and it's a chore to find the good stuff.
Honestly I can live with the occasional head scratching rejection if it means we are free from shit like this: which is just a bunch of store bought unity assets plop together in a very poor controlling game
This: This: and this: To name a few peices of shit on Steam now. Yes I know I linked to nothing but Jim Sterlings vids on them but I am lazy and they were the first ones to pop up.
Now personally I think a good mid ground would be if GOG rejects something then they could toss it to us or check the wishlist and how much people want it and then reconisder, maybe they already do that and the reason why Hatred was rejected was because GOG didn't agree with the Devs on certain points be it DRM, Steam keys, revenue split, price point whatever.
But to those asking for a response, don't aspect to get one outside of "it was rejected" it's just poor business practice and can lead to trouble. I still haven't forgotten the backlash that happened here when TET said that Xenonauts was rejected due to being to high of a price for a indy game.

LeonardoCornejo: A half assed "We care deeply about our customers and stand against censorship, you don't have to worry about us censoring gamer or applying DRM at all" Would be enough for me.
You know your not going to get one right? You can ask but it's not going to happen. They are a business and it's bad business to make statements on such matters because no matter what they say it will be held and used against them in the court of public opinion. It's why for years when Valve used to curate Steam they never made a public statement on why a game was rejected.