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BlueMooner: This thread has nothing to do with games, but I couldn't find the minor question thread.

I've recently been trying chamomile tea, which is supposed to be the slightest bit relaxing, but I haven't noticed a thing. If anything, it irritates my stomach a tiny bit. I'd assume at least some people would notice something for it to have become so popular in the first place, but I haven't felt the slightest bit "relaxed" by it. Maybe I just have a bad batch, or brand, or maybe it's just me.

I've been given a ton of the stuff, so I'm trying it, but for now it's just a slightly not-tasty drink. I'm adding a little honey to help the taste but... meh. Does anyone like this?
I drank it for a while as a last drink of the night. It relaxed me a bit, but it was a very subtle effect. I used Celestial Seasonings' sleepy time tea (which has other stuff in it and improves the taste).
I had to give it up after receiving a heart valve combined with warfarin (extends the blood clotting time). Camomile tea has Vitamin K which has the opposite effect of warfarin.
The concept of tea is relaxing by itself.
Thanks for the reminder that I need to clean those pesky flowers from the gravel paths. Chamomille = weed, and not the kind you smoke.
Thanks for all the comments guys!

I spent many years as an avid fan of black tea (Red Rose brand specifically), but now drink more coffee than tea (mostly because coffee is extremely easy to get on the road while tea the way I like is impossible). I occasionally try other teas, and while I like chai very much, and thai, english breakfast and even irish breakfast, I'm not a fan of earl grey.

Chamomile just doesn't seem to have anything going for it. No strong taste, no rare flavor, no caffeine... just a bland herbal. I've always heard that it was a mild relaxer... I've never heard that it was useful for stuffy nose or throat.

So maybe I'll try some for that. I have a TON of different teas to work on... I should prolly look up how long tea is good for.
BlueMooner: Thanks for all the comments guys!
Occasionally I am using Stress Relief pills, of herbal origin, it works on me, one after ...20-30mins
"Wilko Stress Relief is a traditional herbal medicinal product used for temporary relief of symptoms associated with stress, such as mild anxiety, based on traditional use only. The pack contains 30 tablets. Contains extracts of hop strobile, valerian and passion flower. Warning: Not suitable for people under 18 years of age, pregnant, or breastfeeding. Always read instructions before use, and keep out of reach of children." - and play video games ^
Never offers to cook a meal, nor clear the dishes, nor wash the clothes or cut the grass. Don't pay its fair share of rent, neither. A good-for-nothin' loafer, it is!
BlueMooner: So maybe I'll try some for that. I have a TON of different teas to work on... I should prolly look up how long tea is good for.
Tea is a dried good, so as long as it is stored in a valid way, it can be kept indefinitely. Just keep it away from oceanic bays and high levels of humidity.

If you wanna kick up your tea game a notch, I do suggest Stash teas.

And if you really want to step it up, looseleaf.
Post edited August 24, 2022 by Darvond
I see a few people commenting they don't like/care for chamomile tea. Can't say i'm much different, except that i do enjoy mixing it in with my Peppermint, makes a good tea.

2 Tablespoons Peppermint and 1 Tablespoon Chamomile, to a quart of hot water, let sit 20 minutes, strain and add 1-2 Tablespoons honey.

This is one of my favorite teas, enough that i buy all three ingredients in bulk. Calms me down, makes me feel better, and all around good tea...

mmm now i want some...
I did have a tiny tickle in my throat last night. Made some chamo and don't notice it today. Anecdotal, but hey.

I have Stash Chai right now. Not really a fan of looseleaf, just because I don't like the extra hassle of straining out the bits, even after using a teaball. When I go "exotic", I favor the brands Twinings or Bigelow. But my standard is always Red Rose black.
I like the aroma and taste of chamomile. Otherwise, I don't feel any more relaxed compared to other hot beverages.

I mainly drink tea because I enjoy the taste. Occasionally I may drink certain teas to relieve sore throats and coughing; ginger and licorice are good for that purpose.
Post edited August 26, 2022 by SpaceMadness
BlueMooner: I did have a tiny tickle in my throat last night. Made some chamo and don't notice it today. Anecdotal, but hey.

I have Stash Chai right now. Not really a fan of looseleaf, just because I don't like the extra hassle of straining out the bits, even after using a teaball. When I go "exotic", I favor the brands Twinings or Bigelow. But my standard is always Red Rose black.
There's also filter bags made of paper, or soup strainers you could use. And just so we're clear, do you mean Red Rose US, or Red Rose Canada?
Darvond: Tea is a dried good, so as long as it is stored in a valid way, it can be kept indefinitely. Just keep it away from oceanic bays and high levels of humidity.
Well, others had these bags for years, don't know how they stored them. But if I stop posting, know that I died with a mug by my side.

RR US (blue box). I didn't even know there were other RRs.
BlueMooner: I've recently been trying chamomile tea, which is supposed to be the slightest bit relaxing, but I haven't noticed a thing.
I enjoy chamomile in the evening now and then, especially after I had too many coffies during the day, but I wouldn't say it has any relaxing or calming effect. If you are looking for such an effect, I'd advise Lemon Balm as joppo pointed out, although from my experience it works only if the leaves are fresh, as dried leaves lack the oils that have supposedly calming and relaxing effects.
I'm not looking for something calming. I was given a lot of tea, much of it chamomile, so I was wondering what experiences other people had drinking it. I had heard it was calming, but when I drank it I didn't feel anything, hence this thread. So far it's nothing special.

You drink more than one coffee a day? How many are you drinking? My roommate drinks almost a whole pot a day, but coffee often goes right through me, so I don't drink more than a mug a day.
Nope. I actually find its flavor pretty off-putting.

However, consider this:
Yogi Soothing Caramel Bedtime

While it does have Chamomile, it also has enough other things in it to temper it. Plus, notice the poppy. (AKA, precursor to opioids). It's pre-sweetened (with stevia leaf), so no adding sugar. I bought it for the flavor, but use it very rarely because of the bits in it.

You might also consider:
Celestial Seasonings Lemon Lavender
A lot of people find the scent and flavor of lavender relaxing, even if it's not "medicinal".

EDIT: I see your note you're NOT seeking this. I affirm, chamomile does NOT do its "sleepiness and calming" for me. Mostly because, outside of uses in blends that overpower it, it tastes like shit to me. Temper your chamomile with some chicory or peppermint or orange/lemon peel.

EDIT2: Someone direct messaged me about my dislike of chamomile and that it's supposed to taste the way it does. :)
Post edited September 08, 2022 by mqstout