Sarafan: There is a problem if the site is pirating games. LotR games that are available there aren't available anywhere else. This is quite suspicious in my opinion. Same goes for Black & White for example. What's the difference between pirating games and buying pirated games?
I don't think so. In the best interest of buyer is to recognize when something might be illegal. I'm not suggesting that we should be constantly suspicious when buying something, but some vigilance is recommended. When I see site that sells Black & White DRM-free, I also see a red light flashing. The game isn't available on Origin, Steam and any other digital distribution platform. Some inferior site miraculously starts to sell this game, this is too beautiful to be true.
nightcraw1er.488: As i said above, it is not a users responsibility to check wether a site has licenses or not. I never checked if gog has, or shinyloot, or any of the other stores out there. You can downvote me all you like, but it is still not the responsibility of the user.
She. You get a new kitchen fitted, do you check all the items have not been stolen, all that all employees are valid to work, not as the customer you purchase.
Another example, zoom platform has duke nuke 3D, is that an illegal site? That game was removed from other stores. As I said, I have never heard of that site or used it, nor any intention, but to start to question its validity and state that users have a responsibility to do background checks and such like is nonsense.
Sachys: Well, the company that owns it is apparently registered in London and had a whopping net turnover of some £300 the other year, so no... the games are very unlikely licenced by any means.
Theres so much screaming "suspect" at me about the webpage that I'm gonna need hearing aids.
So buying stolen goods doesnt bother you? - even though you can go to the clink for that.
nightcraw1er.488: At no point has it been proven that these are stolen goods. You are simply casting aspersions until something is proven. It is not a users responsibility to validate every company they come across.
Not gonna argue what the responsibilities of an user should be, but if you download a game from a illegal source and you get caught, the copyright/IP owner won't care if you didn't knew about the illegality. They'll gonna make you pay or your costs of legally proving your innocence likely exceed your fine. Users should take care about the sources they'll use, otherwise they usually loose - in one way or the other.