kai2: Has anyone played Watch Dogs? If so, what did you think of the game?
WD1 was good, but not great. Gameplay's a blast w/ its mixture of GTA-Like (open-world 3rd person action/adventure/shooter with vehicles to drive); UbiSoft open-world stuff; and some stealth type of gameplay & hacking stuff - but the rest is a mess in the non-gameplay dept.
Story, narrative, plot, and the cliches of it all are all kinds of "meh" - and Aiden's a not-so-good 1-dimensional Batman wannabe. I don't know - but UbiSoft was somewhat on a roll w/ "meh" characters w/ Connor from AC3, Jason Brody from FC3, and Aiden from WD1. They also don't do much w/ a lot of aspects and things they present, but should be commenting on here - i.e. piracy, hacking, mistreating people, and other stuff.
Bad Blood DLC was good though; T-Bone and his friend are WAY more interesting than Aiden.
WD2 was awesome and is a major improvement in a lot of my complaints about WD1 - characters are way more interesting; more dimensions to them; game can be very funny and not as serious. Also, you can now to non-lethal attacks and takedowns, too - which is great. San Francisco's also a really cool place for this game to be set in, also - easily the best WD game.
WD: Legion's a mess. Story and plot's even worse than WD1, since you can recruit anyone. Game's very repetitive for many characters since you can recruit anyone and for their "special" missions too & whatnot. Worst game in the franchise by far. It's okay, but you're even better off w/ WD1 here IMHO.
IMHO: WD2 > WD1 > WD: Legion.
All of the game's required when they launched a beast of a PC to run and for them to look amazing - so make sure you're well beyond what the game's requirements, when you run them. They are were demanding upon release and are VRAM-hogs, especially at higher settings. For example, expect to eat 3-4GB VRAM or so at 1080p on WD1 maxed-out and WD :Legion eats all of my 8gb VRAM on my 3070 at 1080p...and that's not maxed-out. To max that out, I'd likely need 10gb+ of VRAM, as the in-game indicator suggests when I throw it to max. RIDICULOUS.