A firm 5 (of a reduced 10). Duncle Adrian has the personality of a wet cardboard sign, he's supposed to be fighting the system but does nothing to really dent it or stop it; using it moreover to his advantages. The game ends on a wet fart, and it's very clear there were several last minute changes forced from above by several management teams who knew nothing about the sort of game they were making.
• The relationship with the deceased little girl; was probably daughter rather than niece. A former deadbeat dad would make a ton more sense than an estranged uncle.
• The protagonist, because there's at least two choices of MC who'd have made
far more interesting stories. One of them even has a flamethrower.
• The subtle humor; presumably there were actual jokes which were replaced by outdated memes and "edge".
• Muddle of a message; was supposed to be, "Don't sell your soul to Big Brother", instead swirls into, "Gangs no matter what, are bad".
• The OST does not befit the protagonist, and is a ticking time bomb of licensing rights.
Sidenote: I didn't play it, but I did watch
some goons play it, instead.
Addendum/Update: Rewatching it, the game is about as tonally deaf as I remember it.