Posted March 21, 2017

Bad Hair Day
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Registered: Dec 2012
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Registered: Oct 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted March 21, 2017

my glasses are dirty
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States

Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted March 21, 2017

My surprise has not been affected by your explanation. You would think the demographic wouldn't take the ramblings of strangers so negatively. :P

The Puzzlemaster
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland
Posted March 21, 2017

Bear it All
Registered: Aug 2010
From Croatia
Posted March 21, 2017
low rated
From zero rules to tl;dr. Nice job. I love the part where he's open to feedback but nothing will change. Very gogesque.
Wait, is "gogesque" "appropriate language"? I mean, it's not really a word. Perhaps I'm not checking my privilege to use words as a white heterosexual male hard enough. What if grammar nazis get offended? Wait, wait, I just said "nazi"...please don't ban me, I have games here... :(
Wait, is "gogesque" "appropriate language"? I mean, it's not really a word. Perhaps I'm not checking my privilege to use words as a white heterosexual male hard enough. What if grammar nazis get offended? Wait, wait, I just said "nazi"...please don't ban me, I have games here... :(

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland
Posted March 21, 2017

Wait, is "gogesque" "appropriate language"? I mean, it's not really a word. Perhaps I'm not checking my privilege to use words as a white heterosexual male hard enough.
Well, if you bothered to read instead of whine you'd know that you can now get a ban limited to the forum only.

Bear it All
Registered: Aug 2010
From Croatia
Posted March 21, 2017
low rated

Well, if you bothered to read instead of whine you'd know that you can now get a ban limited to the forum only.

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland
Posted March 21, 2017
Let me guess, you thought this was an autonomous collective.
Post edited March 21, 2017 by Breja

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
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For Internal Use Only
Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted March 21, 2017

Bear it All
Registered: Aug 2010
From Croatia
Posted March 21, 2017
I'll tell you what I think, because it's apparent you didn't understand it the first time around. In short: the new rules are extremely "wide". Hence my little joke about being banned for using language that wasn't "appropriate". That, and many other rules, are easily interpreted to suit the whims of their enforcers. Personally, I've never found that sort of thing palpable.
Now I'll tell you what you did: you opened with character assassination based on either a genuine misunderstanding or a deliberate one. Then you proceeded to trot out the ridiculous argument that private corporations have the right to do whatever the fuck merely because they're private. It was a bad argument before the rules, and it remains so post them. You then concluded with some casual condescension based on yet another misunderstanding, deliberate or not.
Now tell me, sensei, how many of the new rules did you just break? :)
Bad comedic timing. Or perhaps...ABUSE? Shall I report you? What to do, what to do... :p
Now I'll tell you what you did: you opened with character assassination based on either a genuine misunderstanding or a deliberate one. Then you proceeded to trot out the ridiculous argument that private corporations have the right to do whatever the fuck merely because they're private. It was a bad argument before the rules, and it remains so post them. You then concluded with some casual condescension based on yet another misunderstanding, deliberate or not.
Now tell me, sensei, how many of the new rules did you just break? :)
Bad comedic timing. Or perhaps...ABUSE? Shall I report you? What to do, what to do... :p

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other