Posted February 12, 2020

If you want to contribute, ideally the best would be to submit a vector with 14 elements, disposed vertically, like, for example
If you want my list of top suspects/whom i'd vote for then it is as thus(in order of suspicion from most to least):
Most suspected:
Flocke - Near the top of my list atm for both posting so little AND not getting us to ANY lynch on D1...even though he had the chance to/was here before deadline & likely read the posts suggesting it was best for us to have a lynch to analyze on D1.
It has less to do with WHO he didn't hammer and more the fact that he didn't hammer when he had the chance. Of course Rwarehall would also be here for the same reasons(on the list, though not necessarily in position 2 along with Flocke) but he flipped town so moving on.....
Less suspected(but still on the bottom of the main list for now):
Micro - As a semi-veteran player(afaik) or at least one seemingly smarter at this game than me, he should know and be supportive of the "town should get A lynch on D1" stance, yet in Post 606/other posts he lists BOTH me and Yog for being possible scum, supposedly AFTER we questioned Flocke/others not hammering him on D1.
Could be OMGUS(if that term applies here) for wanting him/anyone lynched to avoid nolynch & those of us who voted for him on D1, but that combined with the fact that he kept getting close to hammer/lynch and then didn't get lynched a few times suggests to me that he might be possible scum.
Yog - Did that whole "claim slytherin" thing along with agent....could be town(by pointing out Flocke's hesitation to get us a lynch on D1) so i'm starting to lean them more town, but they could also be scum trying to throw possible scum!Flocke under the bus to get a possible town!Micro
Lift - For his LAL stance on D1 and "bickering" with agent the same "day", and then his dropping of such when eyes started falling on him.
Lift has been posting some good meaty posts, though, so he is hanging on the trailing edge of the list.

I had to eat/sleep/etc for a bit, and wanted to wait until I got back and caught back up to vote....will vote likely at the end of getting caught up.

Or Micro is scum. That's also possible, of course. But even if he is Town, I wouldn't assume that all scum were on his train.
You're right. This looks very scummy and by association makes Micro scummy too. Otherwise Flocke would have had no need to refuse to vote him, unless he wanted to let it go to no-lynch intentionally.
Especially after we went through the fact that no-lynch is bad for Town. So not hammering, with a pick he said to agree with waiting for hammer, looks very scummy.

I say he should keep it quiet for now, unless he somehow can figure out if his neighbor is scum....then I think he should reveal it.....sound good?

*Done to post 635....want to post more but am near char limit I think....will do more in a bit so stay tuned, all*