Posted February 03, 2020
Long post here. Bunch of replies, sorry about that.
ConsulCaesar: I find the "lynch all liars" affair a weird battle to pick. Everybody has moved on from the initial joke except Lifthrasil. Even to classify it as a lie is a bit of a stretch. Well,Lift isn't entirely wrong. Muddying the waters is a major tactic of scum trying to keep us guessing. When townies are the ones doing it scum's work becomes a lot easier. I also imagine the possibility that neither of Agent, Yog and Lift are scum while the real scum is doubling with laughter seeing Townies fighting among themselves.
(By that I don't mean that I'm confident that none of them is scum, just that I'm not confident there is scum there. In that case we could end up lynching Agent and Yog by Lift's recommendation, see that we lost only townies and therefore assume he's scum and lynch a third townie)
My opinion isn't too far from SirPrimalForm's #116: Agent's first post is not enough to even vote for him, but also not something I'll forget if I see more scumminess down the line.
So far my scumdar gauges Lift slightly more townie, although a bit radical on LAL, Yog slightly scummier than neutral, and Agent a bit more.
ConsulCaesar: According to Dumbledore's speech, it's not Gryffindor vs Slytherine, it's all three other Houses combined against Slytherine. So if there's a neutral, they will probably have a different flavor. If there is another faction it could be from another school — like in HP and the Goblet of Fire. That is all moot tho. What matters is that either there is or isn't a third faction regardless of what ZFR decided to call them in case they exist.
Lies! You said you have poor memory yourself. You would never remember the password to enter your house's dorms. :-)
SirPrimalform: Yeah, names are likely of reasonable importance. Joe ran a game like that a while back and the scum had a name cop which they successfully used to learn my name, claim it and claim that my name was theirs. We (the town) lost. :( That must have been a clever but risky play. Once that conflict is established it's 50% chance town hits scum, or actually even less if scum chooses a townie who is already suspected. It could work but then they are a certain lynch the next day. I would like to read it all when this game is over, please.
I suppose you have a spell for that too?

(By that I don't mean that I'm confident that none of them is scum, just that I'm not confident there is scum there. In that case we could end up lynching Agent and Yog by Lift's recommendation, see that we lost only townies and therefore assume he's scum and lynch a third townie)
My opinion isn't too far from SirPrimalForm's #116: Agent's first post is not enough to even vote for him, but also not something I'll forget if I see more scumminess down the line.
So far my scumdar gauges Lift slightly more townie, although a bit radical on LAL, Yog slightly scummier than neutral, and Agent a bit more.

Lies! You said you have poor memory yourself. You would never remember the password to enter your house's dorms. :-)

I suppose you have a spell for that too?