Posted March 11, 2020

unvotus Lifthrasil
at least for now.
You're wrong about how you interpret my words, tho. You said I meant to start paying more attention to you and Caesar NOW. All the time after I saw people start following the Joe wagon was spent thinking if the scum was among you or Caesar and I was set to follow one of you, probably you. And then Agent makes his joke and we can't question him, made me change my action on the spot. I didn't stop scrutinizing either of the unconfirmed players for one minute. Only my night action was aimed at Agent.

How many scum do you think are left? Do you feel confident there is only one? Or could there be still two?
I am starting to develop a theory but what it might mean is different depending on the number of scum left.
If you need some hard number for your theory imagine everyone said only one scum left. Then write below a second theory that considers two scum left. We'll analyze them both and dismiss any that can't be true.
That way we will also have something to judge you by, to conclude if you're a townie or not. Because so far you gave us barely nothing we can work with.
If it wasn't for this argument sprouting with me and Lift I am fairly certain you'd be dangerously close to being lynched already.