Just found this. It might be helpful for everyone
new to Uniwizard. Maybe. Although Slytherin new recruits will probably need it less than all the rest (in case there are some of them among us?).
Brickus magnificus *
A thick manual appears, apparently from thin air*
But possibly much of the theory in this manual does not apply in the current situation.
In any case, @yogsloth probably has it right: it may be interesting to consider Headmaster Dumbledore's speech carefully. Someone from a third House might be present, and not interested in allowing Gryffindor nor Slytherin to win.
As per this manual, 3-4 Slytherin migh have been allowed (only probably, but not for sure), but in any case, veterans from Uniwizard may know better.
@RWarehall, thanks for the comments on
derp. No slips detected, so far. But it seems like the competition is starting to move into full swing.
Occidere omnes mendaces seems solid enough.
@Pooka: great time to arrive.
Also, for first-timers, this might be interesting (thanks, @gogtrial34987).
Brickus maximus terribilis *Again a book appears from thin air. Dreadfully thick and carrying a must scent, to call this heavy tome a book is like calling a Brontosaur a lizard. Uncountable pages promise a dreadfully long read for those brave souls who dare investigate its secrets*
the Arstotzcan Chronicles. One of many volumes that might be useful. Good stuff, it seems, but it might take a life and a half to read *shivers*.