i_hope_you_rot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YihXPvZHcTQ We have Bastion , Transistor and Pyre in the catalog but i'd like to see this game in here as well . I would even pay for the in development version .
fr33kSh0w2012: I know Hades and Hatred the game Hatred the game is JUST AN UPDATED VERSION OF POSTAL CLASSIC AND UNCUT I really do not see the problem with it.
I just purchased Hades before the weekend. I love APRG but this is a little different. They call it a Rogue RPG. Dying in this game is expected. Not that you want to die but it does no damage and helps with understanding the game. It may take a couple hours to start getting the hang of it. But once you do it becomes incredibly addicting. Supergiant has outdone themselves.
You can choose more cool weapons as you find keys. And upgrade those weapons as you find gemstones. You always have a choice when upgrading of 3 options. None of them will hurt you in the long run. It's just a change in playstyle.
It's a different kind of game in that it is not linear with a set path to victory. It's base on gradually becoming more powerful as you react with the Gods of Olympus. I am having a hard time putting this game down. You die and try again and again and again. No penalty for death other than having to start over in your home of hell (run by your father Hades).
This is one of the most fun and addicting games I've played in a long time. It's not a game that will peak you interest over a long time. But it is loads of fun while trying to get out of Hell.