Posted May 27, 2017
First off, the game window showed that I could download an offline installer for Gwent. Sounds good, right? The thing didn't have an offline/backup installer before, so it's always a good thing. It was a 2.4GBs download, something my poor man's internet could finish overnights.
But something was just...fishy. I was looking at a 150MBs setup instead of a 2.4GBs setup. As I have installed Gwent some other time before I know that the game is not just a mere 150MBs. So what the heck is this setup made of then?
UAC said it was GOG Galaxy. Which made sense. The Galaxy installer is just a 150MBs setup. That does raise another concern, but that concern is not of the matter now. The setup was indeed, a customized Galaxy installer with a Gwent finish. It also has the options screen that is typical of the offline installers. There you learn Galaxy requires 111MBs and Gwent requires 4.7GBs. The thing then begins to install, and when it's done it'll say it's . Heck, it even puts [url=]two shortcuts for you, with the Gwent shortcut launching Galaxy with a couple parameters to point to Gwent.
Upon opening Galaxy we already see that the client has Gwent added, but you need to log in to get anywhere, of course. What do you know, upon successful login, the game starts being downloaded to your computer automatically.
I dunno if GOG intends this to be exclusive to Gwent in it's open beta days. What I'm worried about is that this is possibly the format of the controversial Galaxy in your offline installers deal that GOG started, and this was the result of what we said. The full game is not even included in the installer. Only a Galaxy installer but reskinned, and boy, will the GOG team keep updating it for every Galaxy update they release? Right now it's manageable because it's only one game, but soon we could talk about a hundred or a thousand games even. How would GOG keep up with that? And more importantly, is that what we can expect from the installers with Galaxy built-in? Granted there was talk about opt-out checkboxes, but still. I wonder where GOG is headed with this.
Post edited May 27, 2017 by PookaMustard