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Panda vs. Aliens?
No, didn't even know such a game existed.
Might be a long shot, but

is it Heroes of the Storm?
Yes. I play Zeratul and always have trouble with killing Lili before she escapes. So annoying.
Elaborigen: Yes. I play Zeratul and always have trouble with killing Lili before she escapes. So annoying.
Panda killer! Noooo, poor Lili! ;)

Hehe, I've never actually played that game, what is it like? I don't usually enjoy MOBAs, at least from what I've seen of DOTA.
Post edited August 17, 2015 by Green_Hilltop
I like to play Lili. Zeratul tends to have trouble cutting her down (;

It's a really polished game and it's worth a try even if you dont play MOBAs!

I pass my turn to whoever wants it
Let's get this started again! :)

I'm not exactly sure what my story is, as it wasn't explained clearly, but I'm trying to either get to, expose or find out more about this smuggling trader ring. I have an older sister, and she's really cool and quite badass, she was in some kind of tough, smuggling/mercenary gang.

Now we're working together and trying to either get out of the system we're in, or get to the that smuggling ring I mentioned for some reason, while completing mission for one scoundrel to pay off debt, since our contract with him went awry after I had to ditch those crystals to escape from the military (who are kind of out-of-date/not really legally in power now but we don't know that yet).
Green_Hilltop: snip

Could you describe the setting where this is taking place? Souds a bit dystopian. Is it?
Green_Hilltop: snip
ZFR: OK...

Could you describe the setting where this is taking place? Souds a bit dystopian. Is it?
No, it's actually not really dystopian. The setting is in space, a galaxy with many, many different solar systems and planets, and it's basically fantasy in space, rather than being a traditional sci-fi (Isaac Asimov and others).
Should I post hints or would you like to ask questions?
Green_Hilltop: Should I post hints or would you like to ask questions?
Is your original description accurate? Do you have an older brother as well? Is it some other game & not the one I was thinking of?
Green_Hilltop: Should I post hints or would you like to ask questions?
I'll have the usual: is it on GOG?
Green_Hilltop: Should I post hints or would you like to ask questions?
Gydion: Is your original description accurate? Do you have an older brother as well? Is it some other game & not the one I was thinking of?
Yep, it is, why should it not be? After all, it has to be honest, otherwise you guys have nothing else to go on. No, at least not as far as I'm aware, right now there's only an older sister in the story and I'm guessing there probably won't be another sibling. You can't ever be sure though. Also I'm not sure which game you're thinking of as you've posted none.

Sorry for the late reply!

Green_Hilltop: Should I post hints or would you like to ask questions?
ZFR: I'll have the usual: is it on GOG?
Nope, and I doubt that it'll ever be (a big hint here).
Post edited September 16, 2015 by Green_Hilltop
I just played that part, went on next mission, and uninstalled after more than 5 minutos of loading time.

It's Star Wars Uprising, recently released for iOS and Android.

Anyone can take my turn.
Green_Hilltop: Also I'm not sure which game you're thinking of as you've posted none.
I thought is sounded somewhat similar to X-Wing Alliance, but I wasn't guessing. Not to mention it was wrong.