blastradius: There’s XCOM and XCOM 2, complete with chances to miss at 96% hit rate.
eric5h5: Which is correct; the only way you would never miss is if you had a 100% hit chance. They've been statistically analyzed, the game's randomization code disassembled, and they're legit and do not cheat (either for or against the player). The random algorithm is an older variety and you wouldn't want to use it in cryptography, but it's more than sufficient for a game.
If you're the type of person who sees "95% hit" and expect it to hit every time, and whine "but it's not faiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir" when you occasionally miss (no duh, it's not fair, it's random), then yeah you should skip the games. But if you don't base your entire strategy on 95% always hitting, then you'll be fine. I did ironman mode on my first playthrough, and after a few false starts, I beat the game with the loss of one soldier. (This was pre-War of the Chosen; haven't played that yet.)
Xcom 2 has a mod that turns chance to hit into a percentage of damage. That is, 50% chance to hit equals 50% damage. So don't let that be a reason to not get Xcom. If you get Xcom though, you;'ll probably want to buy it from Steam or Indiegalla when on good sale and get like Xcom 2 collections so you get the game and all the expansions in one buy and save a fair amount.
Tactics Ogre is worth mentioning, even though is for PS1 (translated , original game was for Snes) Not on Gog, but good. Also it's companion game Ogrebattle for Snes (not tactical exactly, but a real good game)