MarkoH01: Welcome to the GOG community.
In general we are nice people here (I still think this community is one of the best) but be prepared that it also won't always be easy since several people are disappointed in GOG for several reasons - some unfortunately even have already left GOG. I still think GOG is great but I am also well aware that several things would need finxing or improving.
You asked about the forum so simple feedback:
Hyperlinks are still (since several months) often completely broken. It's also impossible to use special characters like ä,ö,ü - which are quite common in German - inside hyperlinks. So my first wish would be that GOG would fix these finally.
Another issue here in the GOG foum sometimes is the use of extremely bad language (I am talking about racist insults and such) which sometimes do go unpunished. I am not talking about calling someone "idiot" but sometimnes discussions can get to extremes including language. I know that GOGs policy in general is free speech and I appreciate this very much. However imo there should be boundaries and people who cross those should be punished to keep this an enjoyable forum.
That#s all that is on my mind for now. Again, welcome and enjoy :)
Hey Marko, thanks for expressing your concerns. I can say now with 100% confidence racism will not be tolerated. If a user is found saying anything of the sort there will be swift consequences.
Swearing, as long as it's not used every few words will find itself on the wrong end of moderation too. That does not mean an F-bomb here and there will get you banned, just don't swear every couple of words!
Thank you for the welcome and I hope I cleared up some things for yourself and others :)