MadalinStroe: First I missed Constructor, [...]
HunchBluntley: No, you didn't. : )
Thank you, I got it! You could tell I was one of the very few that missed the giveaway, since I managed to redeem your key, one hour after you openly posted it.
MadalinStroe: First I missed Constructor, and now this. I could have sworn I was pretty actively monitoring GOG's forums, but clearly I'm slacking off. :(
ciemnogrodzianin: Need some help? Be my friend ;) I usually inform a few friends about offers like that, so let me know (by chat) where are you often enough and I can let you know (Gog chat? FB? Email?) . No guarantee here, but I'm monitoring some quite reliable sources and I haven't missed any offer so far.
That would be great. Thank you! Everyday, just before I get to work, I check the threads that were updated in the last 24 hours. Somehow I missed the announcement for Fantasy General.