Posted October 24, 2023
It's just a musing I've had while posting about something semi-related on the topic of buying games and backlogs in another thread, but I thought this may make for a more interesting separate discussion point than an off-topic aside there.
Anyway, I really don't envy game developers position today. Want to earn a decent living making a game? Yeah, good luck with that. With hundreds upon hundreds (if not thousands) of new games being released each year, devs don't only have to compete with all the other new games on the market. In addition, they have to compete with already existing games that are months/years/decades-old which may take up my playing time and dollars instead.
Why should I care about the newest, shiniest toy when I have some excellent "classic" I have an itch to replay? Why waste money on a relatively short game right now when I'd rather dominate silly computer people for the hundredth time in a game of Civilization/Master of Orion/your-choice-of-4X? Eh, too busy building my business empire here and/or playing with my digital model train sets again; who's got time for anything else? Oh, hey, that free-to-play/old multiplayer game is still going pretty strong and is excellent fun; why waste time on something new that may end up just a disappointment? Man, just look at all these free copies of games thrown my way; why waste money on buying anything at all? Oh, wow this experimental free indie/open source game is really neat. Sorry, new game, that's a pass. Etc... And that is all just on top of everything else gnawing away on a person's available free time.
Yup, gotta be rough to be game devs these days. As highlighted as some of the extreme successes are, there are a ton more financial failures. Wouldn't want to be those guys.
Anyway, I really don't envy game developers position today. Want to earn a decent living making a game? Yeah, good luck with that. With hundreds upon hundreds (if not thousands) of new games being released each year, devs don't only have to compete with all the other new games on the market. In addition, they have to compete with already existing games that are months/years/decades-old which may take up my playing time and dollars instead.
Why should I care about the newest, shiniest toy when I have some excellent "classic" I have an itch to replay? Why waste money on a relatively short game right now when I'd rather dominate silly computer people for the hundredth time in a game of Civilization/Master of Orion/your-choice-of-4X? Eh, too busy building my business empire here and/or playing with my digital model train sets again; who's got time for anything else? Oh, hey, that free-to-play/old multiplayer game is still going pretty strong and is excellent fun; why waste time on something new that may end up just a disappointment? Man, just look at all these free copies of games thrown my way; why waste money on buying anything at all? Oh, wow this experimental free indie/open source game is really neat. Sorry, new game, that's a pass. Etc... And that is all just on top of everything else gnawing away on a person's available free time.
Yup, gotta be rough to be game devs these days. As highlighted as some of the extreme successes are, there are a ton more financial failures. Wouldn't want to be those guys.