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So I finally got the game to run with dx11, community patch, new textures, etc. Only way I could stop the access violations was to run it in windowed mode. That's okay, I can live with that.

But there are a couple of quirks that irritating, so I wanted to ask here.

1) The game is soooo dark. I mean it's daytime, and I'm having a hard time seeing. I can't imagine what night will look like. Is there any way to set up Nvidia brightness controls for a specific game? I found a brightness setting in the Nvidia conrol panel but it's universal. I guess I could go in there every time I play and bump it up and then when I quit go back and bump it back down, but it would be nice if I could just assign it to a specific game like you can with the 3D settings in the Nvidia control panel. (Yes, I've tried the in game brightness option. It does NOTHING. Move it all the way to the right or all the way to the left and it has ZERO effect.

2) The inventory items that are highlighted are now not just highlighted, but spinning rapidly. I guess that was an intentional thing to make it easy to see which item is highlighted, but I hate it. I never had any trouble distinguishing what was highlighted vanilla, and I'd like to disable that. Does anyone know if it's possible to go "inside" mods and make modifications to the mod? I'm not sure if it was the texture pack or the community patch that did this but I think I could find that out. What I don't know is after I find out the culprit, will I have to disable the mod entirely or can mods sometimes be modded? lol

FWIW, the brightness issue wasn't there when in vanilla, or when I played using the 3fdx wrapper (dgVoodoo2). It appeared when i finally got the game to run under DX11. And it is indeed noticeable. Very much. It's dark man, at least on my system. I bumped the overall brightness setting from 50 to 60 and it helped but it's still even darker than when I was playing it just the other day using dgVoodoo2. While the desktop and everything else is noticeably brighter lol. Be nice not to have to do that every time I enter and exit the game, but if that's what I have to do I will. I will even live with the spinning inventory if I have to, but it would be a nice QOL improvement for me personally if I could get rid of the spinning.
With DX11 you can press F11 at any given point and access the DX11 settings menu where you can turn vsync on for speed control change in game brightness and a ton more settings. You can also control the shadows. Note that some settings require a restart to take effect.
Post edited August 13, 2023 by Kobi-K
Kobi-K: With DX11 you can press F11 at any given point and access the DX11 settings menu where you can turn vsync on for speed control change in game brightness and a ton more settings. You can also control the shadows. Note that some settings require a restart to take effect.
Oh man, THANK YOU. Wow, I never knew this. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

And I have already gotten used to the spinning inventory so that's no longer an issue. At first it just... I dunno, threw me, but after some playing I got used to it.
The F11 thing didn't work for me. But it's possible I'm doing something wrong. I tried just F11, Shift F11, Ctrl F11, and Alst F11, none worked for me.

But if I have other games running in DX11 then I'll try it again.

Thanks again for the info.
I used the GD3D11 DX11 renderer with Riisis' Texturmix.

Whenever I press F11 it displays this options menu as shown in the screenshots, Ctrl+F11 will bring up an Advanced options menu.
Post edited August 14, 2023 by Kobi-K
I_don't_know_why_you_can't_access_the_DX11_options_menu,_maybe_it_wasn't_installed_properly._In_case_you_can_g et_it_working,_in_that_options_menu_there_is_an_option_to_Enable_HDR_and_if_you_check_it,_it_should_fix_all_yo ur_darkness_issues.
OldFatGuy: test
Sorry, no. GOG found a new baffling way to break the forums .

Post edited August 14, 2023 by OldFatGuy
In short, spaces that aren't XML are broken.

A spam measure gone horribly right.
Post edited August 14, 2023 by Darvond
okay-no-clue-what-that-means-but=thanks-I=was-going=over=everything=in-my-post-to-see-if-I-had-included-the-fw ord-as-that-has-caught-me-before-but-there-was-none

capture.jpg (220 Kb)
Post edited August 14, 2023 by OldFatGuy
The-g3d11-I-installed-was-just-a-zip-file-that-I-needed-to-extract-to-the-'system'-folder-and-Riisis'-Texturmi x-is-just-one-big-vdf-file-that-needs-to-be-extracted-to-the-'data'-folder.
Kobi-K: The-g3d11-I-installed-was-just-a-zip-file-that-I-needed-to-extract-to-the-'system'-folder-and-Ri isis'-Texturmi x-is-just-one-big-vdf-file-that-needs-to-be-extracted-to-the-'data'-folder.
I think it's fixed?

Yay. I did unzip the texture pack in the data folder but the dx11 renderer was an app, not just an unzip in the system directory. Did I download the wrong one? And does the texture pack look like the right one? I know the texture pack is working because I can tell how different all the items look but maybe I'm not actually running the dx11 renderer?

I'm going to do another fresh install. Dammit I lost a whole bunch of hours when I ran into the weird graphical thing using the dgVoodoo2 wrapper. I was in the Chapter after clearing out all those damned minecrawlers and had to go to the orc cave. Pretty sure it was chapter 3. This game I was just finishing up chapter 1, so it's not nothing I'll be losing again.

Man my father was right. I really can screw up a one car parade.
Post edited August 14, 2023 by OldFatGuy
The DX11 renderer is not an app, it's a wrapper. There are no EXE files.

Download and extract this file before undoing everything:
Kobi-K: The DX11 renderer is not an app, it's a wrapper. There are no EXE files.

Download and extract this file before undoing everything:
Well, what did I install on my computer when I ran that app? A virus?

I don't get it, I followed the link exactly from the guide. I'll see if I can find the guide I used and post the link.

You can clearly see in my screenshot that it is an APP (setup file) and I DID run it. Man have I royally screwed myself?

Sorry to be such a bother. I'll see if I can find the link just for info purposes.