kai2: The Risen games are fantasy pirate themed RPGs (at least games 2 and 3 in the series).
Tempest is another fantasy pirate themed mainly nautical action game with some RPG elements.
Man O' War Corsair: Warhammer Naval Battles.
And then there's Corsairs.
If you're looking for a "straight" pirate experience -- and since you own the Sea Dogs games -- I'd suggest looking into the brilliant and extensive modding community for those games.
I've added the Risen and Man O' War Corsair games to my wishlist, but for now that's all they are, wishlisted games.When I get a better computer I may buy them, because I'm 99,9% sure they won't run on my current one.
I've wishlisted Corsairs and it looks neat, it says it's a RTS, but how much of a RTS is it? Is it like Age of Empires where you only play in a single map against one or more opponents or is it more sandbox pirate stuff?
I actually only own the first Sea Dogs game, I've seen there's two more here on GOG, City of Abandoned Ships and Caribbean Tales. CoAS appears to be quite good compared to the first one from what I've seen from the reviews. And I'll have to play vanilla Sea Dogs a lot more if I'm going to start fiddling with mods.
tfishell: It's not on GOG but look into
Akella's Pirates of the Caribbean 2003 game ("acquire it" as need be, it's not sold on
any digital distributor) and maybe look into the "New Horizons" mod for it. It was originally going to be Sea Dogs 2 I believe.
Thanks for the suggestion, if I get tired of Sea Dogs I might succumb to the tentation. But it's odd, it was developed by Akella, why didn't they published it here alongside the Sea Dogs games? Actually, it's Pirates of the Caribbean, so I'm gonna go ahead and guess legal issues with Disney.