Posted November 14, 2020
It seems, GOG reviews are sometimes (rightfully) mocked for being very generous in praising old games which not necessarily hold up today (take a shot every time something is called a hidden gem). However, many, like me, also came here to play games which they only saw in a magazine or had a demo of back then. In this thread you get to name up to 3 games which you believe truly hold up and up to 3 games which you feel are overrated in retrospect (I know, there are sure more games that come to mind, but this keeps it focused), while giving a brief description why you think so:
Good old games today:
1. Thief/Thief 2
I only played a demo back when this was new and only got to experience these games on GOG now recently (playing Thief 2 right now for the first time). I was very much blown away by how interesting the gameplay is (absolutely should be played on expert). This is the game that basically got me to (re)appreciate game design as manifestation of creative choices rather than technical necessities.
2. System Shock/System Shock 2
I could absolutely see how someone has trouble dealing with the clunkiness of System Shock 1, but much like Thief this game to me convey such an exciting sense of exploration. I was just completely sucked in by the idea of exploring the mysteries of the space station in both games.
3. Vampire The Masquerade - Bloodlines
I was only faintly aware of this game back in the days and only had played a demo of its predecessor. However, when playing it here for the first time it made for one of the most exciting RPG's I played so far with the quests feeling fresh and engaging all the way. Guess the only inconvenience was that they apparently ran out of money at some point and just tossed a bunch of grant fights in towards the end.
Games I was less impressed with:
1. Omikron
I bought and finished the game, and wouldn't even say that I regret this, but every step of it felled like someone had a grand ambition he couldn't live up to. There are so many elements tossed in the mix that are interesting but non feels finished. Instead, every bit of it feels half baked. I can ultimately appreciate the game for this, a bit like seeing the design of a machine or a city that was never build, but I wouldn't go around telling people this is a hidden gem just for that.
2. Outcast
I remember seeing this game in gaming magazines when the 900 MHZ rig this would have needed seemed like buying a super computer for playing this game. I might give this another try at some point, or at least the remake, but so far I absolutely couldn't get into it. Most of all, I dislike the narration. I somehow always think about an XKCD comic where he shows a graph that is about how the more made up words there are in a piece of fiction, the worse it is...
3. Planescape Torment
Ok, this is probably a controversial pick and it is not entirely fair. I actually do like this title in some way. I love the design and the characters and I do actually believe that this style of graphics ages just fine. Yet, throughout most of the game I kept wondering why I wasn't just reading a book instead.
The writing is obviously really good and so is the story, but I never quite enjoyed this as a game. While you can do a lot and join different fractions, it never gave me a sense of freedom like Arcanum or Fallout. Similar, the text choices to me rarely felt like deciding on a direction but instead like trying to solve them "right" (more like a JRPG where there is a best outcome and then degrees of failure).
Good old games today:
1. Thief/Thief 2
I only played a demo back when this was new and only got to experience these games on GOG now recently (playing Thief 2 right now for the first time). I was very much blown away by how interesting the gameplay is (absolutely should be played on expert). This is the game that basically got me to (re)appreciate game design as manifestation of creative choices rather than technical necessities.
2. System Shock/System Shock 2
I could absolutely see how someone has trouble dealing with the clunkiness of System Shock 1, but much like Thief this game to me convey such an exciting sense of exploration. I was just completely sucked in by the idea of exploring the mysteries of the space station in both games.
3. Vampire The Masquerade - Bloodlines
I was only faintly aware of this game back in the days and only had played a demo of its predecessor. However, when playing it here for the first time it made for one of the most exciting RPG's I played so far with the quests feeling fresh and engaging all the way. Guess the only inconvenience was that they apparently ran out of money at some point and just tossed a bunch of grant fights in towards the end.
Games I was less impressed with:
1. Omikron
I bought and finished the game, and wouldn't even say that I regret this, but every step of it felled like someone had a grand ambition he couldn't live up to. There are so many elements tossed in the mix that are interesting but non feels finished. Instead, every bit of it feels half baked. I can ultimately appreciate the game for this, a bit like seeing the design of a machine or a city that was never build, but I wouldn't go around telling people this is a hidden gem just for that.
2. Outcast
I remember seeing this game in gaming magazines when the 900 MHZ rig this would have needed seemed like buying a super computer for playing this game. I might give this another try at some point, or at least the remake, but so far I absolutely couldn't get into it. Most of all, I dislike the narration. I somehow always think about an XKCD comic where he shows a graph that is about how the more made up words there are in a piece of fiction, the worse it is...
3. Planescape Torment
Ok, this is probably a controversial pick and it is not entirely fair. I actually do like this title in some way. I love the design and the characters and I do actually believe that this style of graphics ages just fine. Yet, throughout most of the game I kept wondering why I wasn't just reading a book instead.
The writing is obviously really good and so is the story, but I never quite enjoyed this as a game. While you can do a lot and join different fractions, it never gave me a sense of freedom like Arcanum or Fallout. Similar, the text choices to me rarely felt like deciding on a direction but instead like trying to solve them "right" (more like a JRPG where there is a best outcome and then degrees of failure).
Post edited November 14, 2020 by Robette