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That is Steam like (Activision / 2K) gouging!
Post edited February 04, 2017 by Bigs
Well, well, well... Maybe GOG is actually listening to the community after all. :)
muntdefems: Well, well, well... Maybe GOG is actually listening to the community after all. :)
high rated
And here's all the details:


Pricing changed for Kim

>>> Base price changed from $24.99 to $14.99
>>> Price history for this game: On February 6, 2017, price changed from $24.99 to $14.99

>>> Game no longer regionally priced (was $13.19 and now is $14.99) in regAR, CL, CO, MX, PE, PR, UY [*]

>>> Game is now regionally priced ($12.79 instead of $14.99) in AU

>>> Regional price changed from $21.55 to $16.19 in CH, DK, NO, PL
>>> Regional price changed from $21.55 to $16.09 in SE
>>> Regional price changed from $21.49 to $16.09 in regCZ, regDE, regIT, MC, MT, NL, SK
>>> Regional price changed from $21.19 to $13.69 in GB
>>> Regional price changed from $13.44 to $8.19 in BR
>>> Regional price changed from $6.69 to $5.19 in RU, UA, regUZ

Full regional pricing scheme for this game:

>>> It is $16.19 instead of $14.99 in CH, DK, NO, PL
>>> It is $16.09 instead of $14.99 in regCZ, regDE, regIT, MC, MT, NL, SE, SK
>>> It is $13.69 instead of $14.99 in GB
>>> It is $12.79 instead of $14.99 in AU
>>> It is $8.19 instead of $14.99 in BR
>>> It is $5.19 instead of $14.99 in RU, UA, regUZ


[*] My spider sense tells me we'll soon see more price changes for this game
high rated
Depending on where your hearth is, you're gonna have to pay more or less for this game:


The newly added game Hearthlands is regionally priced:

>>> It is $21.55 instead of $19.99 in CH, DK, NO, PL, SE
>>> It is $21.49 instead of $19.99 in regCZ, regDE, regIT, MC, MT, NL, SK
>>> It is $18.69 instead of $19.99 in GB
>>> It is $15.06 instead of $19.99 in AU, NZ
>>> It is $10.79 instead of $19.99 in regAR, BR, CL, CO, MX, PE, UY
>>> It is $6.26 instead of $19.99 in RU, UA, regUZ
muntdefems: Depending on where your hearth is, you're gonna have to pay more or less for this game:
Or maybe you're gonna have to more or less pay for this game :p
high rated
muntdefems: Depending on where your hearth is, you're gonna have to pay more or less for this game:
Cavalary: Or maybe you're gonna have to more or less pay for this game :p
I'm afraid so, since the devs are not willing to update the DRM-free build on Groupees and haven't replied to my email asking them to exchange my unused Steam key for a GOG key... :\

Anyway, on an unrelated note:

muntdefems: My spider sense tells me we'll soon see more price changes for this game
Errr... this is not exactly the price change I was expecting for this game:


Pricing changed for Kim

>>> Regional price changed from $5.19 to $9.99 in UA, regUZ

Full regional pricing scheme for this game:

>>> It is $16.19 instead of $14.99 in CH, DK, NO, PL
>>> It is $16.09 instead of $14.99 in regCZ, regDE, regIT, MC, MT, NL, SE, SK
>>> It is $13.69 instead of $14.99 in GB
>>> It is $12.79 instead of $14.99 in AU
>>> It is $9.99 instead of $14.99 in UA, regUZ
>>> It is $8.19 instead of $14.99 in BR
>>> It is $5.19 instead of $14.99 in RU
high rated
If phone calls cost differently depending on the destination number, it's only natural that phoning home costs you a different price depending on where you live, right (even if you live in Virginia?

Luckily, space calls are flat rated... for the time being.


The newly added game Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?! [Upcoming] is flat-priced ($14.99)! :)


The newly added game Phoning Home is regionally priced:

>>> It is $21.55 instead of $19.99 in DK
>>> It is $21.49 instead of $19.99 in regCZ, regDE, regIT, MC, MT, NL, SK
>>> It is $21.19 instead of $19.99 in NO
>>> It is $20.79 instead of $19.99 in SE
>>> It is $19.55 instead of $19.99 in PL
>>> It is $19.09 instead of $19.99 in CH
>>> It is $18.69 instead of $19.99 in GB
>>> It is $17.29 instead of $19.99 in AU, NZ
>>> It is $16.19 instead of $19.99 in CA
>>> It is $10.79 instead of $19.99 in regAR, BR, CL, CO, MX, PE, UY
>>> It is $6.26 instead of $19.99 in RU, UA, regUZ


The newly added game Phoning Home OST [DLC] is regionally priced:

>>> It is $6.59 instead of $5.99 in SE
>>> It is $6.49 instead of $5.99 in DK
>>> It is $6.39 instead of $5.99 in regCZ, regDE, regIT, MC, MT, NL, NO, SK
>>> It is $5.89 instead of $5.99 in PL
>>> It is $5.69 instead of $5.99 in CH
>>> It is $5.59 instead of $5.99 in GB
>>> It is $5.19 instead of $5.99 in AU, NZ
>>> It is $5.09 instead of $5.99 in CA
>>> It is $3.49 instead of $5.99 in regAR, BR, CL, CO, MX, PE, UY
>>> It is $2.19 instead of $5.99 in RU, UA, regUZ


The newly added game Phoning Home Soundtrack Edition is regionally priced:

>>> It is $26.06 instead of $23.99 in DK, NO
>>> It is $25.79 instead of $23.99 in regCZ, regDE, regIT, MC, MT, NL, SK
>>> It is $25.19 instead of $23.99 in SE
>>> It is $23.49 instead of $23.99 in PL
>>> It is $22.99 instead of $23.99 in CH
>>> It is $22.49 instead of $23.99 in GB
>>> It is $20.37 instead of $23.99 in AU, NZ
>>> It is $19.86 instead of $23.99 in CA
>>> It is $13.19 instead of $23.99 in regAR, BR, CL, CO, MX, PE, UY
>>> It is $6.89 instead of $23.99 in RU, UA, regUZ


The newly added game Virginia is regionally priced:

>>> It is $10.77 instead of $9.99 in CH, NO, PL, SE
>>> It is $10.69 instead of $9.99 in regCZ, regDE, DK, regIT, MC, MT, NL, SK
>>> It is $8.69 instead of $9.99 in GB
>>> It is $7.49 instead of $9.99 in AU, NZ
>>> It is $5.89 instead of $9.99 in regAR, BR, CL, CO, MX, PE, UY
>>> It is $3.69 instead of $9.99 in RU, UA, regUZ
high rated
A Festival of Magic, and a new festival of incoherent regional prices:


The newly added game EARTHLOCK: Festival of Magic is regionally priced:

>>> It is $30.15 instead of $29.99 in DK, NO, PL, SE
>>> It is $30.09 instead of $29.99 in CH, regCZ, regDE, regIT, MC, MT, NL, SK
>>> It is $28.69 instead of $29.99 in GB
>>> It is $22.59 instead of $29.99 in AU, NZ
>>> It is $16.39 instead of $29.99 in regAR, BR, CL, CO, MX, PE, UY
>>> It is $7.46 instead of $29.99 in RU, UA, regUZ


The newly added game EARTHLOCK Hero Outfit Pack [DLC] is regionally priced:

>>> It is $3.29 instead of $2.99 in CH, PL
>>> It is $3.19 instead of $2.99 in DK, NO, SE
>>> It is $3.13 instead of $2.99 in regCZ, regDE, regIT, MC, MT, NL, SK
>>> It is $2.39 instead of $2.99 in GB
>>> It is $2.19 instead of $2.99 in AU, NZ
>>> It is $1.83 instead of $2.99 in regAR, BR, CL, CO, MX, PE, UY
>>> It is $1.09 instead of $2.99 in RU, UA, regUZ


The newly added game EARTHLOCK: Comic Book #1 [DLC] is regionally priced:

>>> It is $4.89 instead of $4.99 in GB
>>> It is $4.85 instead of $4.99 in CH, NO, PL, SE
>>> It is $4.79 instead of $4.99 in regCZ, regDE, regIT, MC, MT, NL, SK
>>> It is $4.73 instead of $4.99 in DK
>>> It is $4.09 instead of $4.99 in AU, NZ
>>> It is $3.09 instead of $4.99 in regAR, BR, CL, CO, MX, PE, UY
>>> It is $2.99 instead of $4.99 in UA, regUZ
>>> It is $1.83 instead of $4.99 in RU


The newly added game EARTHLOCK: Festival of Magic OST [DLC] is regionally priced:

>>> It is $8.63 instead of $7.99 in NO, PL, SE
>>> It is $8.59 instead of $7.99 in CH
>>> It is $8.54 instead of $7.99 in regCZ, regDE, DK, regIT, MC, MT, NL, SK
>>> It is $7.46 instead of $7.99 in GB
>>> It is $5.99 instead of $7.99 in AU, NZ
>>> It is $4.67 instead of $7.99 in regAR, BR, CL, CO, MX, PE, UY
>>> It is $2.79 instead of $7.99 in RU, UA, regUZ
high rated
The Offworld Trading Company keeps screwing most of Europe, while the old empires are more benevolent:


The newly added game Caesar is regionally priced:

>>> It is $5.94 instead of $5.99 in CH, regCZ, regDE, regIT, MC, MT, NL, SK
>>> It is $5.89 instead of $5.99 in GB
>>> It is $3.49 instead of $5.99 in regAR, BR, CL, CO, MX, PE, UY
>>> It is $2.19 instead of $5.99 in RU, UA, regUZ


The newly added game Caesar II is regionally priced:

>>> It is $5.94 instead of $5.99 in CH, regCZ, regDE, regIT, MC, MT, NL, SK
>>> It is $5.89 instead of $5.99 in GB
>>> It is $3.49 instead of $5.99 in regAR, BR, CL, CO, MX, PE, UY
>>> It is $2.19 instead of $5.99 in RU, UA, regUZ


The newly added game Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom is regionally priced:

>>> It is $5.94 instead of $5.99 in CH, regCZ, regDE, regIT, MC, MT, NL, SK
>>> It is $5.89 instead of $5.99 in GB
>>> It is $3.49 instead of $5.99 in regAR, BR, CL, CO, MX, PE, UY
>>> It is $2.19 instead of $5.99 in RU, UA, regUZ


The newly added game Offworld Trading Company - Blue Chip Ventures [DLC] is regionally priced:

>>> It is $5.39 instead of $4.99 in PL
>>> It is $5.36 instead of $4.99 in DK, SE
>>> It is $5.29 instead of $4.99 in regCZ, regDE, regIT, MC, MT, NL, SK
>>> It is $5.03 instead of $4.99 in CH
>>> It is $4.89 instead of $4.99 in GB
>>> It is $4.29 instead of $4.99 in AU, NO, NZ
>>> It is $3.99 instead of $4.99 in CA
>>> It is $3.09 instead of $4.99 in regAR, BR, CL, CO, MX, PE, UY
>>> It is $2.99 instead of $4.99 in UA, regUZ
>>> It is $1.83 instead of $4.99 in RU
Would love to know what's up with all these "$5.94 instead of $5.99" prices...
HypersomniacLive: Would love to know what's up with all these "$5.94 instead of $5.99" prices...
I'd be tempted to say probably nearest x.x9 EUR as base, since they're all grouped together like that, but CH is the odd one out there. Still, they may get EUR base price I guess.
high rated
Bittersweet news today: on the one hand, a game is now cheaper. On the other one, it now has regional prices above the base price.


Pricing changed for Chaos Reborn

>>> Base price changed from $19.99 to $9.99
>>> Price history for this game: On February 10, 2017, price changed from $19.99 to $9.99

>>> Game no longer regionally priced (was $8.19 and now is $9.99) in PR

>>> Game is now regionally priced ($10.69 instead of $9.99) in regCZ, regDE, DK, regIT, MC, MT, NL, PL, SK
>>> Game is now regionally priced ($10.06 instead of $9.99) in CH
>>> Game is now regionally priced ($8.99 instead of $9.99) in AU, NZ
>>> Game is now regionally priced ($8.69 instead of $9.99) in GB
>>> Game is now regionally priced ($8.26 instead of $9.99) in NO
>>> Game is now regionally priced ($8.05 instead of $9.99) in CA
>>> Game is now regionally priced ($7.67 instead of $9.99) in SE

>>> Regional price changed from $6.26 to $6.99 in UA, regUZ
>>> Regional price changed from $8.19 to $5.89 in regAR, BR, CL, CO, MX, PE, UY
>>> Regional price changed from $6.26 to $3.69 in RU

Full regional pricing scheme for this game:

>>> It is $10.69 instead of $9.99 in regCZ, regDE, DK, regIT, MC, MT, NL, PL, SK
>>> It is $10.06 instead of $9.99 in CH
>>> It is $8.99 instead of $9.99 in AU, NZ
>>> It is $8.69 instead of $9.99 in GB
>>> It is $8.26 instead of $9.99 in NO
>>> It is $8.05 instead of $9.99 in CA
>>> It is $7.67 instead of $9.99 in SE
>>> It is $6.99 instead of $9.99 in UA, regUZ
>>> It is $5.89 instead of $9.99 in regAR, BR, CL, CO, MX, PE, UY
>>> It is $3.69 instead of $9.99 in RU
muntdefems: >>> Regional price changed from $6.26 to $6.99 in UA, regUZ
Somebody sure hated them. Full price gets halved, their price goes up.
muntdefems: >>> Regional price changed from $6.26 to $6.99 in UA, regUZ
Cavalary: Somebody sure hated them. Full price gets halved, their price goes up.
Good catch, I didn't realize it. Now they will pay 68 cents less than the Swedes...

And it's not the first time something like this happens.