Posted August 25, 2016

RIP GoodOldGOG:DRMfree,one price,goodies,community
Registered: May 2011
From Romania

How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
Registered: Jul 2014
From Poland
Posted August 25, 2016
high rated
Regional prices, regional prices everywhere!
The newly added game Master of Orion is regionally priced:
>>> It is $31.39 instead of $29.99 in SE
>>> It is $31.35 instead of $29.99 in PL
>>> It is $31.19 instead of $29.99 in regCZ, regDE, DK, regIT, MC, NL
>>> It is $29.69 instead of $29.99 in CH, GB
>>> It is $26.59 instead of $29.99 in CA
>>> It is $26.29 instead of $29.99 in NZ
>>> It is $25.99 instead of $29.99 in AU
>>> It is $24.39 instead of $29.99 in NO
>>> It is $21.99 instead of $29.99 in PE
>>> It is $21.69 instead of $29.99 in CL
>>> It is $20.49 instead of $29.99 in CO
>>> It is $17.49 instead of $29.99 in BR
>>> It is $14.59 instead of $29.99 in MX
>>> It is $7.99 instead of $29.99 in regUZ
>>> It is $7.57 instead of $29.99 in RU
>>> It is $5.49 instead of $29.99 in UA
Pricing changed for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition
>>> Game is now regionally priced ($44.29 instead of $42.49) in CA
>>> Regional price changed from $51.28 to $49.19 in CH
>>> Regional price changed from $43.59 to $43.89 in NZ
>>> Regional price changed from $51.89 to $41.49 in NO
>>> Regional price changed from $31.69 to $33.39 in PE
>>> Regional price changed from $31.89 to $31.09 in CL
>>> Regional price changed from $24.28 to $23.79 in MX
>>> Regional price changed from $11.58 to $9.09 in UA
The newly added game Master of Orion: Collector's Edition Upgrade [DLC] is regionally priced:
>>> It is $20.27 instead of $19.99 in SE
>>> It is $20.17 instead of $19.99 in PL
>>> It is $20.09 instead of $19.99 in DK
>>> It is $19.49 instead of $19.99 in CH
>>> It is $17.69 instead of $19.99 in CA
>>> It is $17.59 instead of $19.99 in AU, NZ
>>> It is $17.09 instead of $19.99 in NO
>>> It is $11.39 instead of $19.99 in PE
>>> It is $11.19 instead of $19.99 in CL
>>> It is $10.89 instead of $19.99 in BR
>>> It is $10.59 instead of $19.99 in CO
>>> It is $9.19 instead of $19.99 in MX
>>> It is $8.96 instead of $19.99 in GB
>>> It is $6.09 instead of $19.99 in RU
>>> It is $3.59 instead of $19.99 in UA, regUZ
The newly added game Craft The World - Sisters in Arms [DLC] is regionally priced:
>>> It is $1.97 instead of $2.99 in regAR, BR, CL, CO, MX, PE
>>> It is $1.09 instead of $2.99 in RU, UA, regUZ
The newly added game Pan-Pan is regionally priced:
>>> It is $16.79 instead of $12.99 in DK
>>> It is $14.49 instead of $12.99 in regCZ, regDE, regIT, MC, NL
>>> It is $13.29 instead of $12.99 in CH
>>> It is $12.89 instead of $12.99 in GB
>>> It is $11.59 instead of $12.99 in SE
>>> It is $11.49 instead of $12.99 in AU, NZ
>>> It is $11.25 instead of $12.99 in CA
>>> It is $10.99 instead of $12.99 in PL
>>> It is $10.49 instead of $12.99 in NO
>>> It is $8.09 instead of $12.99 in regAR, BR, CL, CO, MX, PE
>>> It is $4.39 instead of $12.99 in RU, UA, regUZ
The newly added game Master of Orion is regionally priced:
>>> It is $31.39 instead of $29.99 in SE
>>> It is $31.35 instead of $29.99 in PL
>>> It is $31.19 instead of $29.99 in regCZ, regDE, DK, regIT, MC, NL
>>> It is $29.69 instead of $29.99 in CH, GB
>>> It is $26.59 instead of $29.99 in CA
>>> It is $26.29 instead of $29.99 in NZ
>>> It is $25.99 instead of $29.99 in AU
>>> It is $24.39 instead of $29.99 in NO
>>> It is $21.99 instead of $29.99 in PE
>>> It is $21.69 instead of $29.99 in CL
>>> It is $20.49 instead of $29.99 in CO
>>> It is $17.49 instead of $29.99 in BR
>>> It is $14.59 instead of $29.99 in MX
>>> It is $7.99 instead of $29.99 in regUZ
>>> It is $7.57 instead of $29.99 in RU
>>> It is $5.49 instead of $29.99 in UA
Pricing changed for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition
>>> Game is now regionally priced ($44.29 instead of $42.49) in CA
>>> Regional price changed from $51.28 to $49.19 in CH
>>> Regional price changed from $43.59 to $43.89 in NZ
>>> Regional price changed from $51.89 to $41.49 in NO
>>> Regional price changed from $31.69 to $33.39 in PE
>>> Regional price changed from $31.89 to $31.09 in CL
>>> Regional price changed from $24.28 to $23.79 in MX
>>> Regional price changed from $11.58 to $9.09 in UA
The newly added game Master of Orion: Collector's Edition Upgrade [DLC] is regionally priced:
>>> It is $20.27 instead of $19.99 in SE
>>> It is $20.17 instead of $19.99 in PL
>>> It is $20.09 instead of $19.99 in DK
>>> It is $19.49 instead of $19.99 in CH
>>> It is $17.69 instead of $19.99 in CA
>>> It is $17.59 instead of $19.99 in AU, NZ
>>> It is $17.09 instead of $19.99 in NO
>>> It is $11.39 instead of $19.99 in PE
>>> It is $11.19 instead of $19.99 in CL
>>> It is $10.89 instead of $19.99 in BR
>>> It is $10.59 instead of $19.99 in CO
>>> It is $9.19 instead of $19.99 in MX
>>> It is $8.96 instead of $19.99 in GB
>>> It is $6.09 instead of $19.99 in RU
>>> It is $3.59 instead of $19.99 in UA, regUZ
The newly added game Craft The World - Sisters in Arms [DLC] is regionally priced:
>>> It is $1.97 instead of $2.99 in regAR, BR, CL, CO, MX, PE
>>> It is $1.09 instead of $2.99 in RU, UA, regUZ
The newly added game Pan-Pan is regionally priced:
>>> It is $16.79 instead of $12.99 in DK
>>> It is $14.49 instead of $12.99 in regCZ, regDE, regIT, MC, NL
>>> It is $13.29 instead of $12.99 in CH
>>> It is $12.89 instead of $12.99 in GB
>>> It is $11.59 instead of $12.99 in SE
>>> It is $11.49 instead of $12.99 in AU, NZ
>>> It is $11.25 instead of $12.99 in CA
>>> It is $10.99 instead of $12.99 in PL
>>> It is $10.49 instead of $12.99 in NO
>>> It is $8.09 instead of $12.99 in regAR, BR, CL, CO, MX, PE
>>> It is $4.39 instead of $12.99 in RU, UA, regUZ

RIP GoodOldGOG:DRMfree,one price,goodies,community
Registered: May 2011
From Romania
Posted August 26, 2016
high rated
You know, when I made the suggestion to have the way prices are displayed to lump together regions with the same price instead of having each one listed separately, really thought that'd make things much simpler and clearer, and for a bit it did in most cases, but now it seems like there's little difference between the two anymore. And damn, 17 different prices for one game! Sure looks like they went "oh, look at all these options, let's play with them!" I mean, not like the currencies for each of those countries are available to say it's a rounding issue when converting either, so what gives?

How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
Registered: Jul 2014
From Poland
Posted August 26, 2016
Yeah, I used to think rounding (or the marketing urge to end prices in 9) were the reason of some regional pricing schemes, but it's obvious at this point that they do it just because. :\

How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
Registered: Jul 2014
From Poland
Posted August 26, 2016
high rated
Upgrade your regional prices!
The newly added game Pan-Pan Upgrade to Planetary Pack [DLC] is regionally priced:
>>> It is $10.09 instead of $8.99 in NO, PL, SE
>>> It is $10.05 instead of $8.99 in DK
>>> It is $9.99 instead of $8.99 in CH
>>> It is $9.95 instead of $8.99 in regCZ, regDE, regIT, MC, NL
>>> It is $7.69 instead of $8.99 in GB
>>> It is $6.79 instead of $8.99 in AU, NZ
>>> It is $5.59 instead of $8.99 in regAR, BR, CL, CO, MX, PE
>>> It is $2.99 instead of $8.99 in RU, UA, regUZ
The newly added game Pan-Pan Upgrade to Planetary Pack [DLC] is regionally priced:
>>> It is $10.09 instead of $8.99 in NO, PL, SE
>>> It is $10.05 instead of $8.99 in DK
>>> It is $9.99 instead of $8.99 in CH
>>> It is $9.95 instead of $8.99 in regCZ, regDE, regIT, MC, NL
>>> It is $7.69 instead of $8.99 in GB
>>> It is $6.79 instead of $8.99 in AU, NZ
>>> It is $5.59 instead of $8.99 in regAR, BR, CL, CO, MX, PE
>>> It is $2.99 instead of $8.99 in RU, UA, regUZ

How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
Registered: Jul 2014
From Poland
Posted August 26, 2016
high rated
Because musicians also deserve a slice of the regional pricing pie:
The newly added game Obduction® Soundtrack is regionally priced:
>>> It is $11.25 instead of $9.99 in NO, SE
>>> It is $11.19 instead of $9.99 in PL
>>> It is $11.09 instead of $9.99 in CH, regCZ, regDE, DK, regIT, MC, NL
>>> It is $8.96 instead of $9.99 in GB
>>> It is $7.59 instead of $9.99 in AU, NZ
>>> It is $6.26 instead of $9.99 in regAR, BR, CL, CO, MX, PE
>>> It is $3.75 instead of $9.99 in RU, UA, regUZ
The newly added game Obduction® Soundtrack is regionally priced:
>>> It is $11.25 instead of $9.99 in NO, SE
>>> It is $11.19 instead of $9.99 in PL
>>> It is $11.09 instead of $9.99 in CH, regCZ, regDE, DK, regIT, MC, NL
>>> It is $8.96 instead of $9.99 in GB
>>> It is $7.59 instead of $9.99 in AU, NZ
>>> It is $6.26 instead of $9.99 in regAR, BR, CL, CO, MX, PE
>>> It is $3.75 instead of $9.99 in RU, UA, regUZ

Registered: Apr 2009
From United States
Posted August 27, 2016
high rated
I'm not sure whether you remember me, I used to post in this thread from time to time.
Anyhow, not back, just reporting.
MaGog has informed me today that the composition of a few regional pricing regions has changed rather extensively (reminder: she checks this only once a week, on Saturday). While most of these look plausible given this week's most "dramatic" release, a couple look decidedly weird, so I am going to wait a week to see if it all holds, before deploying 15 new regions.
Most of the changes relate to the new Master of Orion, its premium edition, and its DLC. Thirteen (13) countries that used to be part of regCN (Most of the World), now have regional pricing for this trio. And, almost needless to say, each country (United Arab Emirates (AE), Hong Kong (HK), Indonesia (ID), India (IN), Korea, Republic of (KR), Malaysia (MY), Philippines (PH), Saudi Arabia (SA), Singapore (SG), Thailand (TH), Turkey (TR), Taiwan, Province of China (TW), South Africa (ZA)) has its own set of prices:
* Regional price for Master of Orion in KR: $28.49 instead of $29.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion in AE: $25.09 instead of $29.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion in HK: $22.99 instead of $29.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion in ZA: $22.59 instead of $29.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion in SA: $22.09 instead of $29.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion in TW: $21.69 instead of $29.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion in SG: $21.39 instead of $29.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion in TR: $16.59 instead of $29.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion in PH: $16.29 instead of $29.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion in TH: $16.19 instead of $29.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion in ID: $15.09 instead of $29.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion in MY: $13.89 instead of $29.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion in IN: $10.89 instead of $29.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition [Premium] in KR: $48.19 instead of $49.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition [Premium] in AE: $38.39 instead of $49.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition [Premium] in SG: $36.19 instead of $49.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition [Premium] in ZA: $34.59 instead of $49.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition [Premium] in HK: $33.49 instead of $49.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition [Premium] in SA: $33.39 instead of $49.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition [Premium] in TW: $32.69 instead of $49.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition [Premium] in PH: $26.69 instead of $49.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition [Premium] in TH: $25.99 instead of $49.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition [Premium] in TR: $25.39 instead of $49.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition [Premium] in ID: $25.29 instead of $49.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition [Premium] in MY: $23.49 instead of $49.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition [Premium] in IN: $14.69 instead of $49.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition Upgrade [DLC] in KR: $19.69 instead of $19.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition Upgrade [DLC] in SG: $14.79 instead of $19.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition Upgrade [DLC] in AE: $13.29 instead of $19.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition Upgrade [DLC] in ZA: $11.99 instead of $19.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition Upgrade [DLC] in SA: $11.29 instead of $19.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition Upgrade [DLC] in TW: $10.99 instead of $19.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition Upgrade [DLC] in HK: $10.49 instead of $19.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition Upgrade [DLC] in PH: $10.39 instead of $19.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition Upgrade [DLC] in ID: $10.19 instead of $19.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition Upgrade [DLC] in TH: $9.79 instead of $19.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition Upgrade [DLC] in TR: $8.79 instead of $19.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition Upgrade [DLC] in MY: $9.59 instead of $19.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition Upgrade [DLC] in IN: $3.79 instead of $19.99
I expect these are all reflections of the games' prices on Steam.
The other two changes are more likely to be GOG specific. For some reason, Malta (MT) has decided to split from regDE (Northern Eurozone), and Slovakia (SK) has decided to split from regCZ (EU Central Europe). The pretext for these secessions is that Space Run: Fast and Safe Delivery (sic) has suddenly (and surprisingly) stopped being regionally priced in these two countries, unlike their "parent" regions.
Until next week, these 15 countries are listed as "Unknown" in "The Matrix" table.
Anyhow, not back, just reporting.
MaGog has informed me today that the composition of a few regional pricing regions has changed rather extensively (reminder: she checks this only once a week, on Saturday). While most of these look plausible given this week's most "dramatic" release, a couple look decidedly weird, so I am going to wait a week to see if it all holds, before deploying 15 new regions.
Most of the changes relate to the new Master of Orion, its premium edition, and its DLC. Thirteen (13) countries that used to be part of regCN (Most of the World), now have regional pricing for this trio. And, almost needless to say, each country (United Arab Emirates (AE), Hong Kong (HK), Indonesia (ID), India (IN), Korea, Republic of (KR), Malaysia (MY), Philippines (PH), Saudi Arabia (SA), Singapore (SG), Thailand (TH), Turkey (TR), Taiwan, Province of China (TW), South Africa (ZA)) has its own set of prices:
* Regional price for Master of Orion in KR: $28.49 instead of $29.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion in AE: $25.09 instead of $29.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion in HK: $22.99 instead of $29.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion in ZA: $22.59 instead of $29.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion in SA: $22.09 instead of $29.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion in TW: $21.69 instead of $29.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion in SG: $21.39 instead of $29.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion in TR: $16.59 instead of $29.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion in PH: $16.29 instead of $29.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion in TH: $16.19 instead of $29.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion in ID: $15.09 instead of $29.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion in MY: $13.89 instead of $29.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion in IN: $10.89 instead of $29.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition [Premium] in KR: $48.19 instead of $49.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition [Premium] in AE: $38.39 instead of $49.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition [Premium] in SG: $36.19 instead of $49.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition [Premium] in ZA: $34.59 instead of $49.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition [Premium] in HK: $33.49 instead of $49.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition [Premium] in SA: $33.39 instead of $49.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition [Premium] in TW: $32.69 instead of $49.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition [Premium] in PH: $26.69 instead of $49.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition [Premium] in TH: $25.99 instead of $49.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition [Premium] in TR: $25.39 instead of $49.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition [Premium] in ID: $25.29 instead of $49.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition [Premium] in MY: $23.49 instead of $49.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition [Premium] in IN: $14.69 instead of $49.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition Upgrade [DLC] in KR: $19.69 instead of $19.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition Upgrade [DLC] in SG: $14.79 instead of $19.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition Upgrade [DLC] in AE: $13.29 instead of $19.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition Upgrade [DLC] in ZA: $11.99 instead of $19.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition Upgrade [DLC] in SA: $11.29 instead of $19.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition Upgrade [DLC] in TW: $10.99 instead of $19.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition Upgrade [DLC] in HK: $10.49 instead of $19.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition Upgrade [DLC] in PH: $10.39 instead of $19.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition Upgrade [DLC] in ID: $10.19 instead of $19.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition Upgrade [DLC] in TH: $9.79 instead of $19.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition Upgrade [DLC] in TR: $8.79 instead of $19.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition Upgrade [DLC] in MY: $9.59 instead of $19.99
* Regional price for Master of Orion: Collector's Edition Upgrade [DLC] in IN: $3.79 instead of $19.99
I expect these are all reflections of the games' prices on Steam.
The other two changes are more likely to be GOG specific. For some reason, Malta (MT) has decided to split from regDE (Northern Eurozone), and Slovakia (SK) has decided to split from regCZ (EU Central Europe). The pretext for these secessions is that Space Run: Fast and Safe Delivery (sic) has suddenly (and surprisingly) stopped being regionally priced in these two countries, unlike their "parent" regions.
Until next week, these 15 countries are listed as "Unknown" in "The Matrix" table.

Fall into delusion!
Registered: Nov 2008
From Australia
Posted August 27, 2016
Remember "One World, One Price"?
Yeah... me neither... gg GOG
Yeah... me neither... gg GOG

RIP GoodOldGOG:DRMfree,one price,goodies,community
Registered: May 2011
From Romania
Posted August 27, 2016
Meant to see nice to see you again, but the news brought isn't.
If these will be actual new regions, posting in the typical format will become an even worse mess. Granted, for games that will not have this split, it won't matter, if most of those will stay to the base price, but if it will be split... damn.
If these will be actual new regions, posting in the typical format will become an even worse mess. Granted, for games that will not have this split, it won't matter, if most of those will stay to the base price, but if it will be split... damn.

Registered: Sep 2011
From Switzerland

How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
Registered: Jul 2014
From Poland
Posted August 28, 2016
Ditto, it's great to see mrkgnao posting here again, but the reason behind his posting is far from great... :\
Please, mrkgnao, let me know next Saturday if you finally introduce the new regions to MaGog, as I'm most likely to forget about it, and my script is still oblivious to the creation of new regions.
Please, mrkgnao, let me know next Saturday if you finally introduce the new regions to MaGog, as I'm most likely to forget about it, and my script is still oblivious to the creation of new regions.

How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
Registered: Jul 2014
From Poland

RIP GoodOldGOG:DRMfree,one price,goodies,community
Registered: May 2011
From Romania
Posted August 30, 2016
That bug again. They don't seem to make pricing changes for Witcher games there. But since the default price is actually regCN, does that mean those with higher prices get $10 less store credit than they should?

How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
Registered: Jul 2014
From Poland
Posted August 30, 2016
high rated
♪♫ "The prices go up, up, up, up in a balloon.
Up so high they can touch the Moon..." ♫♪
Pricing changed for Solus Project, The
>>> Game is now regionally priced ($21.29 instead of $19.99) in PL
>>> Game is now regionally priced ($21.19 instead of $19.99) in regCZ
>>> Regional price changed from $16.58 to $21.29 in SE
Up so high they can touch the Moon..." ♫♪
Pricing changed for Solus Project, The
>>> Game is now regionally priced ($21.29 instead of $19.99) in PL
>>> Game is now regionally priced ($21.19 instead of $19.99) in regCZ
>>> Regional price changed from $16.58 to $21.29 in SE

How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
Registered: Jul 2014
From Poland
Posted August 31, 2016
high rated
New game, new regional pricing scheme (though quite restrained, by present day's standard's):
The newly added game Final Station, The is regionally priced:
>>> It is $8.77 instead of $14.99 in regAR, BR, CL, CO, MX, PE
>>> It is $5.29 instead of $14.99 in RU, UA, regUZ
The newly added game Final Station Collector's Edition, The [Premium] is regionally priced:
>>> It is $11.49 instead of $19.99 in regAR, BR, CL, CO, MX, PE
>>> It is $6.39 instead of $19.99 in RU, UA, regUZ
The newly added game Final Station Collector's Edition Upgrade, The [DLC] is regionally priced:
>>> It is $3.09 instead of $4.99 in regAR, BR, CL, CO, MX, PE
>>> It is $1.89 instead of $4.99 in RU, UA, regUZ
The newly added game Final Station, The is regionally priced:
>>> It is $8.77 instead of $14.99 in regAR, BR, CL, CO, MX, PE
>>> It is $5.29 instead of $14.99 in RU, UA, regUZ
The newly added game Final Station Collector's Edition, The [Premium] is regionally priced:
>>> It is $11.49 instead of $19.99 in regAR, BR, CL, CO, MX, PE
>>> It is $6.39 instead of $19.99 in RU, UA, regUZ
The newly added game Final Station Collector's Edition Upgrade, The [DLC] is regionally priced:
>>> It is $3.09 instead of $4.99 in regAR, BR, CL, CO, MX, PE
>>> It is $1.89 instead of $4.99 in RU, UA, regUZ