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Regals: Trump has done more for United States before he took office than muslim Obama did in eight years.
Trump is still not even in office yet.

January first.
Actually, it won't be until January 20th that the new president takes office.

Technically, the president hasn't actually be elected; we didn't actually elect a new president; we elected electors who are expected to vote for the new president. (It is theoretically possible for electors to vote differently than expected; this has happened before, but never changed the outcome of the election.) Hence, Trump hasn't technically be elected yet (the electoral college votes on December 19th).

(Also, Obama isn't a muslim.)
low rated
Dismember77777: Europe needs to import these people and everything will fix itself.
Obviously! Or those "people":

Who butcher "bleached colored" children to turn into voodoo charms. "Cultural enrichment" prospect was never more mass-appealing than like, right now! :D But worry not, whites are the devil incarnate anyway, fascists and murderers; leftists won't miss them much (unless one of their own falls victim to the people they worship)! :P

Regals: Trump has done more for United States before he took office than muslim Obama did in eight years.
B... But! Obama visited Brussels to "hand over to Merkel the reigns of the Free World"! And to make sure restrictions against Russia will be more lingering and more severe! Before stepping down, he even burdens Trump with many more tasks to (un)do things in the near future! (Bwa ha haaa, for real?)

dtgreene: (Also, Obama isn't a muslim.)
Get, at least, your facts straight, man... It's not difficult to do nowadays, with readily access to news and stuff.

Besides, why do you fight so fervently against that statement (that Obama is muslim)? I thought you was big, good friends with muslims! You are breaking my multicultural heart! Even his chill brother voted for Trump, besides! Religion doesn't matter, (but only) as long as you can see things for what they trully are, make the right choice, etc.

What if, i also told you, that your idol Obama, is a secret LGBT player, too... Crazy, right?

Do you now love him more? <3
Post edited November 19, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
I found this picture really interesting. I wonder if people know what it means, exactly :p

Looks like you're stuck with us for a long time, Mr Trump mwahahahahaha!!!
aakhgyb.jpg (45 Kb)
Dismember77777: If Trump fails the United States is probably screwed.
Matruchus: Hm, I think he will just do fine.

Afterall Apple just asked their producers to check out how they can move production back to US + Ford is not moving Kentucky small cars production to Mexico. It works wonders when a country has a leader with a backbone in comparison to the all the pay to play premiers/chancellors/presidents around the world.
Ford was never moving their Kentucky plant to Mexico. It was another plant going there and that one still is. The Kentucky plant was never even on the table so the tweet was misleading at best and an outright lie at worst. It's like him tweeting "good news everybody, the white house will still be in DC and obama is not having it moved to <insert random Muslim country here> when he leaves. "

As for pay to play, you ain't seen nothing yet. You need not believe me now but in 4 years (probably less), I hope you'll understand how trump had used the presidency to enrich himself and his family in ways never seen before. It's already happening now but I'll give you the full 4 years to acknowlege it.

Edit: forgot to add, don't you think in the midst of all this conversation about companies moving to and from America, that Trump should take the lead and announce that all his manufacturing of his ties and steaks and whatever else, along with his daughters jewelries and shoes and other will be moving back to USA and jobs will be created. Wouldn't that be a presidential thing to do even before he takes office?
Post edited November 19, 2016 by infinitee8
infinitee8: Edit: forgot to add, don't you think in the midst of all this conversation about companies moving to and from America, that Trump should take the lead and announce that all his manufacturing of his ties and steaks and whatever else, along with his daughters jewelries and shoes and other will be moving back to USA and jobs will be created. Wouldn't that be a presidential thing to do even before he takes office?
Definitely agree with that. If he is a man of principals he should do that as long as he is leading the company. I know it would all probably go bankrupt cause of high prices until the market stabilises/adapts to new reality but in the long run the brand made in america would start to mean something again. At the end if he is a fraud then both the us and eu economies that are very much intertwined will go to hell.
Matruchus: + Ford is not moving Kentucky small cars production to Mexico.
infinitee8: Ford was never moving their Kentucky plant to Mexico. It was another plant going there and that one still is. The Kentucky plant was never even on the table so the tweet was misleading at best and an outright lie at worst. It's like him tweeting "good news everybody, the white house will still be in DC and obama is not having it moved to <insert random Muslim country here> when he leaves. "
Yeah, it looks like it was misleading - but probably not a lie. According to Bloomberg; what was actually going to happen, was the production of a specific line of vehicles manufactured at that Kentucky plant was slated to move to Mexico - just not the whole plant. And now, instead, that production will remain in the USA. So, a small production line was indeed saved - but that entire plant moving was not on the table. If Bloomberg's article is to be believed.

infinitee8: As for pay to play, you ain't seen nothing yet. You need not believe me now but in 4 years (probably less), I hope you'll understand how trump had used the presidency to enrich himself and his family in ways never seen before. It's already happening now but I'll give you the full 4 years to acknowlege it.
A hypothetical that remains to be seen. As far as I am concerned; the Obama administration, the Clinton organizations; and the entire Democratic Party are corrupt to the core - right to the bone. I've said before that even if Trump turns out to be just another lying corrupt politician - I just don't see how he can be as bad, or do as much damage to our country, as the above. I'm willing to give the man a chance.

infinitee8: Edit: forgot to add, don't you think in the midst of all this conversation about companies moving to and from America, that Trump should take the lead and announce that all his manufacturing of his ties and steaks and whatever else, along with his daughters jewelries and shoes and other will be moving back to USA and jobs will be created. Wouldn't that be a presidential thing to do even before he takes office?
One thing I have learned during the election cycle is that there is simply no end in sight of people lining up strawmen and then holding Trump accountable for them all. It's rather tiring and disgusting to me. That there is just one more in that endless series.
high rated
Martek: A hypothetical that remains to be seen. As far as I am concerned; the Obama administration, the Clinton organizations; and the entire Democratic Party are corrupt to the core - right to the bone. I've said before that even if Trump turns out to be just another lying corrupt politician - I just don't see how he can be as bad, or do as much damage to our country, as the above. I'm willing to give the man a chance.
Not really a hypothetical though as it's been happening, only been reported on by Newsweek from what I've seen over the past year. But being reported on more now. Including little bits and pieces on Fox news.
During the campaign, he upped the rent by multiple increments at his privately owned facilities wherever rallies or meetings were held. Payed for by people donating to his campaign. It's one thing if he kept the rent what it was but he was gouging the people donating and going straight to his pocket when he billed the rnc.

His book "art of the deal" is decades old at this point and not seeing many sales. He again gouged the campaign by buying thousands of copies at full price to provide at his rallies over the last 18 months. Profit.

His hotel in DC has its rates increase since the day he won the election. Reports are out that any foreign dignitary who wants to meet him in DC will have to stay there and pay its going (increased) rates. Also look up his lawsuit against the government for property taxes on that hotel and how much he wants them decreased by. Just wait and see who he appoints to that position so the lawsuit turns out in his favor. Profit.

Trump university lawsuit settled for $25 million. This from a man who never settles and proudly proclaimed he was never going to admit fault or settle this particular incident (out of many) where he scammed the average joe. Profit, because he knows $25 million is going to be chump change with what he expects to make over 4 years.

His foundation was shut down by the state of New York for fraud because he himself was the only "charity" it was collecting donations for. Some of which he used to have lawsuits dismissed. It's all there and been reported on.

I know his supporters will be ok with all this because to them it shows he's a businessman and takes advantage of the government and loopholes and what not. His detractors see it for the scams that they really are. Like hiding his taxes so noone can see the business and government conflicts he is sure to have. The one year leaked out and that was a doozy, $900 million dollar loss. No wonder he's declared bankruptcy 6 times.
How can he manage the govt when he can't manage what he's supposed to be an expert at?

If you and people like you think he can't do damage to this country, people are in for a rude awakening. Hillary is corrupt in the sense all politicians are corrupt. Trump is a whole other level onto that and now bringing it into the political realm. He's deleted emails in his business world when suing or being sued. He's had a server connected to russian banks and when questions started being raised about it within the last month, that server was shut down and one with a different name was created for the same purpose. When that was shut down, a 3rd hasn't been found yet.
His prior campaign manager was on Russia's payroll and only got "fired" when it became known. Now he's back and looking for a post in this cabinet. His national security advisor appointee has ties to Putin. More to come on all this in the coming months.
Bush, Cheney deleted millions of emails when they left office, way more than 33000. Obama will do the same. Hell, my company tells us to delete our emails and when we don't, they automatically get deleted after 6 months. No archiving except for the lawyers. Most places have policies like this in effect in today's world.
Rice, Powell had private servers they used. They admit to it, along with deleting emails too. This all has never been exclusive to Hillary.
All high ranking government officials get paid for speeches. CEO's do too. As has trump and ivanka. It's one of the perks of those jobs, people pay you lots of money to come speak to them. I personally think it's a stupid practice but they all do it and will continue to do so, even being one of the less egregious practices. Again, not exclusive.

And oh benghazi....every administration in the past 50+ years has had some kind of terrorist attack where soldiers and citizens died. Do you know how many got hounded? One. And she got hounded in 9 separate congressional hearings where no fault was ever found. By Republicans.
There will be an attack under trump's watch, I hope he gets hounded like that. Get the popcorn ready.

This is just the beginning. No need to drain the swamp, it's only going to grow more. He is not the person to drain it.

I get it though. He said all the right things, things many people wanted to hear. And Hillary ran a historically awful campaign in comparison. But he had and has no plan for anything other than saying its going to be great or huge.
I'm not anti-republican by any means. But i am strongly anti trump because he is only about himself.
Looking past the words and hyperbole, look at the man, look at his record of open and honest work (you won't find it), and there is nothing there that shows he will make a decent president let alone a good one. I will apologize to every trump supporter I ever meet if he proves me wrong but I think in very quick order it will be found out, to use his terms, it's going to be a disaster. Bigly. And very very unfortunately for those who supported him.
low rated
infinitee8: <too much to quote - chokes the system>
That's a whole lot of stuff without one single source. But whatever...

I'm familiar with some of it - other stuff I've never heard about and will take as typical unsubstantiated and/or blown out of proportion for the moment...

Some specifics though:

If you and people like you think he can't do damage to this country, people are in for a rude awakening. Hillary is corrupt in the sense all politicians are corrupt. Trump is a whole other level onto that and now bringing it into the political realm.
You misquoted me, I did not say I thought he "can't do damage"

I said, and I quote; "I just don't see how he can be as bad, or do as much damage to our country, as the above".

There's a big difference between "can't do" and "not do as much".

In any case, yes, I do not believe he can "damage" the country anywhere even close to what the Leftists have already inflicted (and would just accelerate if Hillary had won). With her in office we'd be on an elevator ride to Hell - going down. With Trump - I believe the elevator has at least slowed down and is maybe coming to a stop. That's enough - but maybe it will even start going up again. <g>

We have differing opinions - I guess we'll each stick to our own. That's fine. Time will tell on how much "damage" he does (I think he'll "fix" way more than anything "damaged"; but that's just me. You and I look through different lenses).

Trump university lawsuit settled for $25 million. This from a man who never settles and proudly proclaimed he was never going to admit fault or settle this particular incident (out of many) where he scammed the average joe. Profit, because he knows $25 million is going to be chump change with what he expects to make over 4 years.
The optimistic person believes he settled so that he can get on with being President; and not have this albatross hanging around his neck while doing so. You don't know any more than anyone else if he would have settled or not had he lost the election. Your reasoning is just pure hypothesis. He won, and has subsequently settled - might just be a connection there to not wanting the distraction. Or not. You don't know - and neither do I. I'll take the "glass is half-full" outlook on it.

The one year leaked out and that was a doozy, $900 million dollar loss.
Every successful business person has successes and failures. Even Romney called him out on this stuff - while at the same time his Bain Capital was shuttering over one hundred Sports Authority stores and letting go thousands of employees, after filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. /hypocrisy

You focus on the failures. I'll watch the successes.

Hillary is corrupt in the sense all politicians are corrupt.
No, she's a whole new level of corrupt. She, her organization, the Foundation, and the Democratic Party are literally selling out America to globalist-fascism (while her ilk are shouting / projecting from the rooftops that it's everyone else that is the fascist). Obama has half-destroyed the country - she was going to finish the job. And, daily since the election, I see evidence the Left haven't given up on their goals. They've "lost" a major battle in losing this election; but the "war" is far from over.

His prior campaign manager was on Russia's payroll and only got "fired" when it became known. Now he's back and looking for a post in this cabinet. His national security advisor appointee has ties to Putin. More to come on all this in the coming months.
And we'll just ignore all the dirty money the Democrats have taken from countries that oppress women and minorities. While the Left proclaims how the "love" and "include" everyone - they are actively supported by oppressive regimes and cultures. They import those cultures and encourage them to override our local cultures. Nothing but silence from the Left - the same left that pegs half of America as deplorable, another 1/4 as basement dwellers - etc. They non-inclusive hateful one ARE the Left - they just think we all buy into their lie-projection - when we don't anymore - it's just them in their hate-filled bubble that believe those lies.

And oh benghazi....every administration in the past 50+ years has had some kind of terrorist attack where soldiers and citizens died.
That people died; while very tragic; is not what the controversy is about. It's how she ignored their calls for help and security (and rescue) - and then lied to cover it up. Oh, and acted as if she had no prior knowledge there were developing issues there. Let's just ignore those inconvenient truths in order to minimize the issue..

The Left are nothing but fascist-totalitarians-in-waiting. I see new evidence of that every single day.

And what's with this notion that Caucasians are "bad" because ... they've "conquered" places.

They're burning American flags and flying Mexican flags. And that's part of their reasoning. What the hell is that supposed to be? The left is all about how "awful" Caucasians have been - but let's just ignore who "Mexicans" really are - they're descendants of Spanish Empire conquerors that violently wiped out the Aztecs. And they have the moral high-ground? Give me a second to laugh at that absurdity...

And let's just pretend the Rwandan Genocide never happened - those non-Caucasians that slaughtered up to 1,000,000 in the 90's. Let's pretend there isn't a Boko Haram. Let's pretend there wasn't a Pol Pot. Let's pretend there wasn't an Idi Amin. Let's pretend the only history is what the Leftist "Truth Squads" tell us to think.

And Caucasians are "bad" because ... slavery. All Caucasians are (particularly males), according to the Left. Let's just insult and ignore the over 300,000-to-1-million dead that fought to end slavery. And ignore their descendants. And ignore the Caucasians that immigrated here after (like my family in the 1910's) - they're just automatically responsible. Bullshit.

Let's not to mention the slavery practiced by many non-Caucasians races all around the world - both in history, and still today. We'll just pretend one group is the only one responsible for it - and like any good strawman - hold all generations and Nationalities of their origins responsible. It's absurd.

So you don't like Trump. Fine. I don't know if I like him or not. But I'm not going to condemn him out of hand (I leave that to you). There's just too much guilt going around for everyone - no matter how the Left lies to themselves that it's just one group.

I'll give the man a chance...
low rated
infinitee8: lots of stuff based on hit pieces, debunked misrepresentations, hearsay and old smearing attempts
Somebody didn't get the memo. That particular batch of mud has already been hurled. It didn't stick. The mainstream media has already licked its wounds and is reassessing its strategy. You should do the same.

Trump university lawsuit settled for $25 million. This from a man who never settles and proudly proclaimed he was never going to admit fault or settle this particular incident
It does not look good, indeed, as even though no wrongdoing was acknowledged, settling is always a black eye. It was a hit to the ego he took, for the sake of not having a protracted court battle during his presidency. That's one of the main things Trump's detractors keep missing: There's Trump, the maverick candidate with nothing to lose after announcing his candidacy (had to go for broke), and Trump, the president, with not only his legacy, but the fate of his country at stake.

Like hiding his taxes so noone can see the business and government conflicts he is sure to have. The one year leaked out and that was a doozy, $900 million dollar loss.
How could it have been a doozy, when it was the basis of The Art of the Comeback?

No wonder he's declared bankruptcy 6 times.
It could have been ten, and it's still be a great track record, out of 500 or so businesses. Didn't you get the memo? People didn't, don't and won't care, and only see that as evidence that he knows the system inside out, manages to come on top in dire straits and knows how to create win-win situations. The kind of qualities they thought their country needed.

He's had a server connected to russian banks and when questions started being raised about it within the last month, that server was shut down and one with a different name was created for the same purpose. When that was shut down, a 3rd hasn't been found yet.
Come on, man. Even Snopes, which is far from Trump's bestest friend, doesn't acknowledge that as credible. Drop the neo-mccarthyisms already.

His prior campaign manager was on Russia's payroll and only got "fired" when it became known. Now he's back and looking for a post in this cabinet. His national security advisor appointee has ties to Putin. More to come on all this in the coming months.
No, seriously, drop them. The 80s called, and they want their Cold War back. And I also have the 20s on hold... something about a Red Scare they're missing.

Bush, Cheney deleted millions of emails when they left office, way more than 33000. Obama will do the same.
And, had they been subpoenaed before deleting said emails, they'd also have been hounded.

All high ranking government officials get paid for speeches. CEO's do too. As has trump and ivanka.
You're either missing the point entirely, or actively trying to pull wool over people's eyes. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and remind you that the problem wasn't about being paid to give speeches, but being paid to give speeches to elites, special interests, banks, etc, the contents of which ran categorically against the policies that were being sold to the electorate.

And oh benghazi....every administration in the past 50+ years has had some kind of terrorist attack where soldiers and citizens died. Do you know how many got hounded? One.
Because a) she repeatedly lied, b) took no responsibility, c) triggered the events that led to the attack and actually bragged about it on TV, and d) skirted any and all accountability.

But he had and has no plan for anything other than saying its going to be great or huge.
Somebody hasn't checked Trump's campaign statement and contract with the elector, or is ignoring the first moves he's already made and how his targets are already starting to bend the knee. Am I saying he's going to do everything he said he'd do? Of course not. But to say he has no plan for anything isn't just inattentive, it's plain mendacious.

i am strongly anti trump because he is only about himself.
If Trump, a 70 year-old father and grandfather, were all about himself, he'd call it a day at the Autumn of his life, live off his fortune and enjoy his last days playing golf someplace warm where his wife could walk around in a bikini. He already has more money than he knows what to do with, and already stood shoulder to shoulder with the high, the mighty, and the famous. He didn't need this, his life will be objectively worse, now that he holds the most stressful job in the world and has made enemies of people who'd otherwise think he was just a sideshow attraction at worst and a guy you could mooch off of at best.
Post edited November 20, 2016 by pearnon
low rated

Trump university lawsuit settled for $25 million. This from a man who never settles and proudly proclaimed he was never going to admit fault or settle this particular incident
pearnon: It does not look good, indeed, as even though no wrongdoing was acknowledged, settling is always a black eye. It was a hit to the ego he took, for the sake of not having a protracted court battle during his presidency. That's one of the main things Trump's detractors keep missing: There's Trump, the maverick candidate with nothing to lose after announcing his candidacy (had to go for broke), and Trump, the president, with not only his legacy, but the fate of his country at stake.
What I can not understand is how people think they are owed anything over that.

Lets be honest here morons take meditation courses and pay large sums of money.
If they are still stressed out after the course is over are they now entitled to money?

What did he lie about?
The university would share what they felt was the prime methods for sucess?

Can I sue now cause my food taste like ass or that walmart garbage breaks in two days?
How about when liberals stand in middle of row blocking traffic causing someone to have heart attack?
Post edited November 20, 2016 by Regals
low rated
Regals: What I can not understand is how people think they are owed anything over that.

Lets be honest here morons take meditation courses and pay large sums of money.
If they are still stressed out after the course is over are they now entitled to money?

What did he lie about?
The university would share what they felt was the prime methods for sucess?

Can I sue now cause my food taste like ass or that walmart garbage breaks in two days?
How about when liberals stand in middle of row blocking traffic causing someone to have heart attack?
You are talking to same mentality people as those who want to get rich magically, without any kind of research, talent, effort, at an instant. Or the same people who would pay a fortune teller to give them horoscopes. I never saw any of those return to the fortune teller and demand their money back, when the prophecies failed, though...! REAL Suckerz do it right! Imagine that even SUCKERS, now, have WANABES and pretenders, too...

Also, had those "students" been ANYTHING like the Yale test-tube-faqtard-rejects, who attacked their professor over Halloween suits' guidelines GodHelpUsAll (which was also absolute freedom, to wear whatever they want), then they are absolute wasted-brains and useless stinkers, that despite ANY lesson or teaching, they are going to remain BRICKS 4ever, for as long as they keep polluting the same air we all breathe.

There is a reason why the most successful people in the world are 1%. What's that, i now, wonder though...
Post edited November 20, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
Regals: What I can not understand is how people think they are owed anything over that.

Lets be honest here morons take meditation courses and pay large sums of money.
If they are still stressed out after the course is over are they now entitled to money?

What did he lie about?
The university would share what they felt was the prime methods for sucess?

Can I sue now cause my food taste like ass or that walmart garbage breaks in two days?
How about when liberals stand in middle of row blocking traffic causing someone to have heart attack?
KiNgBrAdLeY7: You are talking to same mentality people as those who want to get rich magically, without any kind of research, talent, effort, at an instant. Or the same people who would pay a fortune teller to give them horoscopes. I never saw any of those return to the fortune teller and demand their money back, when the prophecies failed, though...! REAL Suckerz do it right! Imagine that even SUCKERS, now, have WANABES and pretenders, too...

Also, had those "students" been ANYTHING like the Yale test-tube-faqtard-rejects, who attacked their professor over Halloween suits' guidelines GodHelpUsAll (which was also absolute freedom, to wear whatever they want), then they are absolute wasted-brains and useless stinkers, that despite ANY lesson or teaching, they are going to remain BRICKS 4ever, for as long as they keep polluting the same air we all breathe.

There is a reason why the most successful people in the world are 1%. What's that, i now, wonder though...
People just can't accept the fact the majority of us are pretty much worthless in the grand scheme of things.
low rated
Dismember77777: People just can't accept the fact the majority of us are pretty much worthless in the grand scheme of things.
Unless they are leftists; then, the entire world should revolve around each one of them. Otherwise, they wreck and burn. Dark Ages never went anywhere, they are still here! People need "magic spells" to get rich quick, find a love, people need fortune-tellers, lies, deceit and they still secrete "pitchforks/torches" to this day, should things not get EXACTLY the way how they want!

Peasants are going to remain peasants, till the end of the world! :D Not by class-definition or economic-ability, but by MENTALITY and MANNERS alone!
Post edited November 20, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
low rated
Dismember77777: People just can't accept the fact the majority of us are pretty much worthless in the grand scheme of things.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Unless they are leftists; then, the entire world should revolve around each one of them. Otherwise, they wreck and burn. Dark Ages never went anywhere, they are still here! People need "magic spells" to get rich quick, find a love, people need fortune-tellers, lies, deceit and they still secrete "pitchforks/torches" to this day, should things not get EXACTLY the way how they want!

Peasants are going to remain peasants, till the end of the world! :D Not by class-definition or economic-ability, but by MENTALITY and MANNERS alone!
We need to humble ourselves to reality and accept what we are as individuals.
low rated
Years_of_Chaos: We need to humble ourselves to reality and accept what we are as individuals.
How very true. As well as the results of democratic procedures, as well as always consider the state's larger good. It's astounding how many people nowadays put their own, and yet, personally (and probably erroneously) "conceived", personal good, over that of the entire state's.

Equality before law/state and civilian privileges is one side, the other one being OBLIGATIONS of any given civilian at all times, for the state's own survival and well-fare. But all this is non-existent inside the tumors, leftists grow for brains!
Post edited November 20, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7