SeduceMePlz: There Is No Violent Hate-Crimewave in 'Trump's America' Please stop spreading unsubstantiated stories of Trump-induced terror.
Good News: No Evidence of Transgender-Teen Suicide Spike Post-Election But tragically, this false epidemic going viral could help drive real suicide attempts among struggling teens.
mechmouse: Its a bit early at the moment.
The UK's spike in hate crimes wasn't verified until about a month after the event. Thankfully it was the actions of a tiny embolden minority that has rapidly found their views are not acceptable and backed down to their pre-referendum lurking.
Our anti Leave marches had 100's of thousands and from what I remember had only minor incidents. But they didn't start until a couple of weeks after the results. There may be US marches on that scale, but I don't think there will be.
While I feel Trump has rather backward views when it comes to Gender, race, sexual orientation and religion; His current actions, post election, have been commendable. Praising protestors on their conviction, while suggesting the violence is the action of "professional protestors". He also has shown signs of reconsidering repealing Obamacare.
Time will tell, I hope office will have a greater change on Trump than Thump has on office.
How can you have "backward" views on Gender, Race, Sexual Orientation and Religion?
KiNgBrAdLeY7: I have news for everybody. My inside info is that they won't let Trump alone to do anything. They are going to make him step down.
Constant "unholy war" and nasty riots aside, promises of "democrats"-sorry-fascists, to *hound* his each and every step, possible sabotage in the picture too, moor's "prophecies" added (this only for the lols), they will force the man to quit. He won't have the chance to sit through his whole presidentship, in most probability.
I hope to be proved wrong, but this was from reliable sources... They are going to strike in his soft spots and render him "defenseless".
Over and out.-
He will be assassinated by some poor "oppressed minority" TM