tinyE: FREE NIGHTS ROOM AND BOARD AT MY B&B TO anyone who manages to kill Trump before he can take office! :D
dtgreene: No, because then Pence would become president, and that would be even worse. (He supports the despicable and damaging practice known as conversion therapy, and he also signed a law (as governor of Indiana) allowing businesses to discriminate against LGBT people (maybe others as well?) in the name of religion.)
Pence is worse but no one likes him and he has zero charisma or guts.
His fan club meets in a phone booth.
Adolf Hitler wasn't as dangerous as he was because of his ideas, there have been a lot of fuckheads throughout history who thought like him. What made him dangerous, more dangerous than words can convey, is hat he could turn people on. He could get a room hopping. He could make people act.
My Uncle Todd thinks the Holocaust was a good idea and that it should be reinstated. That doesn't bother me because my Uncle Todd sits in a recliner all day drinking 100 proof Vodka* and drooling on himself. :P
Get my point?
*He's actually been hospitalized for this twice. Oh yeah, he's a threat. :P