markrichardb: When talking about the American election, I always keep one thing at the back of my mind - I don't live there. I have no idea what daily life is like, and dismissing the feelings of half the country would be the height of idiocy. I think it's telling that nearly every US media outlet threw their support behind Clinton, and Clinton lost. Those who were pondering the ramifications of biased reporting need ponder no more, the American people trust the media about as much as they trust a nymphomaniac with a bowl of fruit.
I wonder what you mean by media outlets throwing their support behind Clinton? I only followed the US press loosely (Washington Post, New York Times, politifact) and there rarely the commentaries and opinions but my impression was that Hillary did get a lot of shit about emails and other stuff while Trump got a lot of undeserved attention about often quite stupid single sentences not even about politics and not enough fact checking.
Do you maybe mean the polls which were obviously biased? Well that's hardly the fault of the journalists. Maybe the polling services estimated voter turnout wrongly. To be fair, that is difficult to predict. If elections could be predicted correctly we wouldn't need to them anymore.
It maybe comes down to what you expect? Do you expect newspaper and media to present the truth, the hard facts? Well, then there are newspapers who do this really good and who show you the weaknesses of each candidate and throw them in your face. And Trump has a lot of weaknesses, he said so many quite bad things and changed his mind so often, they really should have been reported on even more I guess.
Or do you expect the newspaper to proportionally speak with the same anger and resentment as the average voter? Do you really want to read in a newspaper what you can read for example here in this thread all day and totally for free? In this case approx. 50% of each newspaper or media time should be created by Democrats and the remaining 50% by Republicans. A simple color code could help identify in which field you are currently.
Of course, I very much respect the feelings of half the people living there, even of all people living there. I get that they are unsatisfied, but I think they made a mistake (mistakes happen) and elected someone even worse than Bush junior. I hope, they'll see it in time that they came a mucker of a quack doctor. That's of course only my opinion but that's also my hope.