So I just finished Quest for Infamy. Once again thank you for gifting it to me, as I ended up enjoying it greatly (as long as I manage to ignore its bugs). Fell into the trap of looking at a walkthrough a bit in Act II, partly related to once of those bugs, but otherwise I was happily surprised by its difficulty level (challenging, but solvable without having to brute force all possible actions) as well as by the many possible solutions for most of the puzzles / quests.
Cavalary: There is this bit though, "If you want to get by this section yourself you can load the save game in windows or have a friend do it, then go through to act 2 and transfer the save back to linux. The save files seem to be compatible between the platforms.", if you have a Win install (or VM?) you can use.
So I can confirm now that this indeed works, and is direly necessary. Besides the showstopping bug at the end of Act I, I had to use it a second time early on in act II, where on Linux I couldn't activate any of the exits on a one-screen maze, but in the Windows VM version, I had no trouble whatsoever with it. >.<