Draek: Proper use of screen-clearing bombs is a key part of almost every shmup; it's key for surviving the worst patterns in Mushihimesama for instance, which is one of the most bullet-hellish bullet hells there is :D they're less useful in shmups like Overkill, but mostly because you can't bomb walls away so you'll still go *splat*.
There are some games, like some of the Touhou games, in which proper use of bombs is part of the strategy for getting a high score. In particular, when you bomb, you become temporarily invincible, and as a result, it becomes possible to go into otherwise unsafe spots and graze hundreds (or perhaps even thousands) of bullets, and in some Touhou games, the number of bullets you've grazed affects the amount of points that point items give you.
Also, note that dying in Touhou games will typically set your bombs to 3, I believe, so sometimes the high scoring strategy involves dying on purpose to get more bombs.
Here are a couple interesting cases regarding bombing in the Touhou series:
Mountain of Faith: In this game, bombing costs you one unit of power (instead of having a limited number of bombs). Normally, this would be a bad thing, but it happens that if you are playing as MarisaB, your power is at least 3 but less than 5, and you are not focused, your shots do a huge amount of damage. (Apparently, ZUN put the decimal place in the wrong spot, so your shots do 10 times the intended amount of damage.) Therefore, if you reach 4 power, you will actually do more damage if you bomb to reduce your power to 3.
Double Dealing Character: In this game, MarisaB's bomb will turn incoming bullets into power up items. It just so happens that, if you collect enough items in a short enough period of time, you will get a third of an extra life. Combine that with the fact that dying refills your bombs and you can actually come out ahead on resources. This strategy actually works best on Lunatic and Extra difficulties where there are more bullets to turn into power items. (I believe I have seen at least one video where the player died a double digit number of times and *still* one with max lives.)
Edit: Added "a third of" to make the post more accurate.