dsf76: POR, a very old game, wouldn't be such a pain if I could reload without having to quit to desktop and restart the game every time. Was a fast reload not implemented back then?
groundhog42: I haven't played a gold box game yet, although Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday is actually the next game on my 'to play' list. I plan to use the Gold Box Companion program as it adds loads of ease of use features and seems to be very popular (and it's free). You can find full details and download it here:
http://personal.inet.fi/koti/jhirvonen/gbc/ I am having great difficulty in getting Dos Box Companion to work as I am DOS illiterate. I opened the latest version of DBC but cannot run the game with all of the DBC perks that make it easier to play. Have you tried it yet?