Sadly i am very disappointed by GOG on all this mess, frankly...
I mean, i am a digital activist since 2006, my country have some citizen groups/fundations that had been struggling, battling and putting huge efforts in the battle against DRM and other anti consumers/anti citizens threats thrown at digital life and techs for the past decade... Usually on their own coins, or later on some small crowdfunding campaigns.
From redacting entire files to explain situation to legislator, citizen representatives and such, on local parliament and even up to europe parliament during cases like TCPA, Tafta and such... From trying to counter governement propaganda in schools and such, commissioned by lobbies from mainstream entertainment industries (music, movies, etc), to trying to educate common folks who were clueless and unaware of the dangers of DRM and other similar topics.
This had been a serious battle, and we only had been slowly gaining some credibility, some mediatic exposure and some acknowledgement.
And then, GOG jump with both feet in the puddle and splashes everyone with some childish teen-prank grade "FCK DRM" initiative, with some very caricatural, unexplained, poorly argumented and backed up statements about/against DRM, and yeah ! Great PR stunt, GOG gets exposure for their campaign. But now all the efforts provided by more serious and more hard working groups about DRM threat and other similar problems will be shadowed and discredited by GOG's teenage attitude, and people will only now remember DRM topic through the prism of GOG's campaign, and every time someone will try to bring again the topic to common foks, they will get slapped back in the face with a crude reminder of the way GOG covered the matter !
Thank you, GOG, for turning hard working decade long activists into laughable/mockable buffons and distract common folks from serious issues with a teenage jester prank for some shabby mediatic exposure you sure already got by now. Also, quite a smart and clever way to ever position yourselves as "competitor" to main leading digital gaming disrtribution store, Steam: there is no way you will get treated seriously by publishers by now i guess. And if it's not the case, you are quite lucky. But thank for your PR move, it so greatly helped the cause !
No, frankly, there is no appropriate way to express how disappointed, and upset, and angry i am about you... considering how harsh had been the task to bring this topic to clueless folks attention this past decade already. Not to mention "associating" other companies to your initiative against their knowing and consent ! What kind of trick is that ? really ?
There were many ways to present the theme in a light hearted yet educational and efficient way (example: Lafkon publishing work on TCPA). You choosed the easy short term bad communication PR stunt for some short sighted personal gains, and didnt bother yourselves about all the collateral damage you caused around you in the process.