Momo1991: Frankly I am getting kind of sick of trying to make this forum a better place when all anyone can do is complain when someone tries to help
Psyringe: It makes me sad to see you angry/frustrated. :(
Momo1991: let's just make this a FU thread to the original creator of "classifieds" that is exactly the same shit, different day...
Psyringe: That's what I hoped to see in the original classifieds thread for _months_, but it never came to pass.
finally have a trade thread that advocates usable and effective precaution methods outweighs that, massively. :)
Aw, now I wrote probably five times as much as I wanted to. Sorry. :(
Well I am human and I do get frustrated!
As to ne_zavarj, I wish you'd PM'd him with your suggested additions to the OP (though I suspect most people never actually read it and the same will happen to this thread when it becomes hundreds of pages long).
As to simple but effective precautions, I'm still in conversations with ashwald, who has several really excellent ideas about how to up the safety level and prevent more Easter Massacres. In V2, I asked for forum members to actually present their solutions so that the community could collectively create a set of rules most everyone could get behind. I was thrilled when he took the initiative to write a lot of his ideas - we are still "kicking the tires" to see the pros and cons of these ideas. I wish more people had taken the time to discuss the issues in that thread rather than run off to this new thread. No wonder ne_zavarj leaves so frequently - most seem to eschew civil discourse and solution finding because it requires actual work and compromise.
As to "known scammers" threads, I know you don't like the idea of public pillories but I personally think the forum has the right to know about scammers - especially duplicate account holders and those that have stolen from forum members. Yes, it is true that they can just create new alt-accounts - but the information is useful because it becomes part of the GOG history and that history can be shared with new members. Otherwise we just keep repeating it relentlessly.
As to walls of text, if they serve to clarify and further the conversation about making this forum a better place - write away! ;-p Oh and thank-you for writing what you did - it helped me refocus on the real issues ;-D