Cavalary: First, said I have absolutely zero interest in any shooter, so wouldn't care to anyway.
Second, ran Win 7 just fine even on my old comp which just had 2 Gb of RAM, and that definitely wouldn't work for this.
As for the specs, you say 4 Gb RAM but the specs here say 8, and I have 4. And a Pentium G3440 with just its integrated graphics and 256 Mb of memory reserved for use, which would also be way below the listed specs. And since it's just 4 Gb RAM and no additional video memory, 32-bit OS, as 64-bit would just increase memory (and HDD space) use. So nope, won't work on any part of it, and due to the bits it wouldn't even try.
Okay, Okay geez.... I'll drop it, No need to have a schizophrenic episode over it.
fr33kSh0w2012: What Pc specs do you have?
anything that can run windows 7 or 10 should run shadow warrior II
here is the minimum requirements
CPU: Intel Core i3-6300 (2 * 3800) or AMD A10-5800K APU (4 * 3800) or equivalent
OS: Windows 7/8/8.1/10 x64
VIDEO CARD: GeForce GT 560Ti (1024 MB) or Radeon HD 6850 (1024 MB) or better
but with a few tweaks I bet you could get it running on yours.
bela555: Does it run with only 4GB?
Most sites mention 8GB.