FireTiger_86: The GUI itself works, but the console window closes itself whenever I use a function, and nothing happens. This is also the case if no manifest exists. If the script is not present, I can't click any buttons. But it is there, and I can click, only it doesn't work after I click. I can't even log in via the GUI.
Sorry, it seems I misunderstood. You are talking about the DOS like console window, which is actually the Python script running. The script appears to be failing for some reason. Might be library related or cookies related. Is the cookie file (gog-cookies.dat) in the same folder as my GUI, along with and gog-manifest.dat?
Another reason the console window might close without doing anything, could be due to your selection of options or lack of.
Then again with an unpopulated list, it may be failing purely due to that. You certainly don't have anything to Download or Verify or Update, though an Update ALL should work ... providing the manifest file is suitable.
FireTiger_86: Apparently it was because I had Python 2.7. But it clearly says you need 2.7 on the download page, but it is the same readme for both versions. It doesn't say anywhere that it also works with 3.x, instead it says "Python 3 support coming soon". So how am I supposed to know that it not only works with 3.x, but that it doesn't work correctly with 2.7?
If you were using the original, then Python 2.7 is fine.
With Kalanyr's forked version of, I could not get some Python libraries to work (install) until I installed Python 3.4.
FireTiger_86: Here is mine:
__appname__ = ''
__author__ = 'eddie3,kalynr'
__version__ = 'k0.3a'
Goodo, then I wonder where the 'u' is coming from?
You have installed all the Python Libraries mentioned?
FireTiger_86: It's there. And it worked before, apart from the issue with the game list. Now it doesn't.
Mmmm sounds like we are back to GUI again and not console. The GUI should be able to run at least once, even with an empty list, unless mismatches occur. Subsequent runs it will just close if there was an error on first run ... hence the need to replace all created files and folders.