Posted August 11, 2015

"LOL LOL whazza chiggi chugga - love you people!"
Registered: Jul 2013
From United States

New User
Registered: Dec 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted August 13, 2015

EDIT: 32. Hmm ... meaningful. Doesn't sound very high, but then I don't post very often. Does it affect my credit score with banks or something?

If they'd implement something that would allow us to automatically ignore posts by people with negative rep or rep under a certain level it might be useful, but as it is it does basically nothing.
The only real exception is that if you down rep somebody you have the option of reporting it as spam.And if that account gets too many of those it gets auto-banned. That is unless they've actually bought a game.

gone (but still playing his games)
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States
Posted August 13, 2015
Hmmm.. so I guess OP isn't going to post more "high rep scabs"? I was looking forward to that amusement. :p

buy Evil Genius
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted August 13, 2015

If they'd implement something that would allow us to automatically ignore posts by people with negative rep or rep under a certain level it might be useful, but as it is it does basically nothing.
The only real exception is that if you down rep somebody you have the option of reporting it as spam.And if that account gets too many of those it gets auto-banned. That is unless they've actually bought a game.

Well, assuming they aren't being targeted for massive negrepping.

-120 Club. ♥XX
Registered: Jul 2012
From United Kingdom

"LOL LOL whazza chiggi chugga - love you people!"
Registered: Jul 2013
From United States

-120 Club. ♥XX
Registered: Jul 2012
From United Kingdom

Think Different.
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada

Big Daddy
Registered: Feb 2009
From Germany
Posted September 07, 2015

Of course anyone with a little knowledge of JavaScript and jQuery could make similar scripts to downrep people inside threads.

Registered: Jul 2009
From Australia
Posted September 07, 2015
low rated

Is (unless anything has changed they are still the community manager)/

Of course anyone with a little knowledge of JavaScript and jQuery could make similar scripts to downrep people inside threads.
Post edited September 07, 2015 by fr33kSh0w2012