gunsynd: As the title states,I get up at 3am Oz time because I've had a fucking gut full of this
de-repping shit.Unlike most of you I'm proud of my rep and got it by helping people
solving problems.I haven't done a GA as I believe it's just a rep buying system.I have
given games away to people who I think have deserved without all the ''big noting''.
This is an attack on myself and the only way I see it stopping is to ask Gog to DELETE
my account.Gog you can do one or the other,but resolve this now and not in 6 months
This has been copied and sent to Gog support.
If I,or when I get a reply I will post it here.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: What's wrong with the rep system? I myself like it very much. First of all, being down-repped is a real joy, a thorough little entertainment and a whole minigame, in and by itself! You get to guess WHO did it, WHY they did it and you even get amused in the process, just because someone was pissed or butt hurt from something you posted, they don't agree with and they express that by downvoting; like crying "MOMMY, some big bad uncle says mean things online again!"! I find that very refreshing! And just because you don't like a webpage feature, doesn't mean that others don't, or that the people inventing and implementing it should reconsider and have it withdrawn!
You are also wrong on at least that account. Giveaways are NOT buying rep. I 've done a couple myself, and noticed that around the time i did my last 2 ones, my reputation dropped right after, for almost 10 points roughly at the time of each one. If what you said was true, i would now be in roughly 320 rep. And finally, this is but a number. It means nothing. Either it, or the stars. Doesn't change anything about me, you or any other... Numbers don't judge people, especially online and all.
Ah and i forgot. Helping others is a BIG mistake. Certain people made me bitterly regret it in real life. Why online life should be any different? Hell, i mean, i even tried to list Darksiders bugs for example, present them, analyze them, even offer workaround analysis too and i was downvoted even for that! Don't blame others, son! "No good deed is ever left unpunished!". Other people on the receiving edge of our compassion cannot be held responsible for our own imperfection, shortcomings and short-sightedness; which, most of the time, is exactly what defines our desire to help others, to begin with, in the first place.