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ChrisG_: Avoid this garbage and spam the support, preferably with a bot to make the disruption even greater.
...yeah, that doesn't sound very constructive at all and I doubt it would make GOG or IOI more sympathetic to our plight.
ChrisG_: Avoid this garbage and spam the support, preferably with a bot to make the disruption even greater.
Mjauv: ...yeah, that doesn't sound very constructive at all and I doubt it would make GOG or IOI more sympathetic to our plight.
Good luck but IOI won't care and why would they ? they don't need GOG users money and this is merely a side boon to the Epic and Steam sales, secondly having online features like contracts is their design vision for the game and miracle is needed to take them offline for GOG only so the easier solution would be just removing them and then people will complain that they get an incomplete game.

This is a case where it would have been best to not take the game onboard at all. Spamming support was a bit hyperbolic sure but people should directly contact GOG and keep telling them what they think until the managment get it in their heads.
wolfsite: With Hitman #1 on the bestselling section I think the consumers are not getting the message.
We should take those boards with a grain of salt or preferably ignore them
Here a recent thread on the shenanigans with the raitings and suspiciously Cyberpunk leading the raitings...

I insist would be very interesting to know the point of view of the rest of the publishers on GOG about the bestselling & user raitings boards

By the way, if the most basic and simple numbering feature here -the Reputation system- is clearly manipulated and abused...

Just saying!
Go post on Twitter because that will get their attention better than their broken forums.

GOG's Twitter

Go, be heard!
EDIT: Here is the Hitman Tweet.
Post edited September 24, 2021 by paladin181
low rated
Snowslinger: Selling handicapped SINGLEPLAYER games is the last straw! DOWN WITH GAMES AS SERVICE. GOG has to prove to be better than the competition, and they are doing a poor job!
Two other games handicapped and have been a while is Spore and Neverwinter Nights. I haven't seen you screaming about those two... And if those two aren't issues i'd like justification why they are different.
Snowslinger: Selling handicapped SINGLEPLAYER games is the last straw! DOWN WITH GAMES AS SERVICE. GOG has to prove to be better than the competition, and they are doing a poor job!
rtcvb32: Two other games handicapped and have been a while is Spore and Neverwinter Nights. I haven't seen you screaming about those two... And if those two aren't issues i'd like justification why they are different.
Could you briefly summarise what the issues with Spore and NWN are? Because I'm not familiar with them and I'd like to know (regardless of Hitman).
rtcvb32: Two other games handicapped and have been a while is Spore and Neverwinter Nights. I haven't seen you screaming about those two... And if those two aren't issues i'd like justification why they are different.
mrkgnao: Could you briefly summarise what the issues with Spore and NWN are? Because I'm not familiar with them and I'd like to know (regardless of Hitman).
Sure. Now keep in mind, in neither case is single-player and the base game an issue at all.

Spore you need to be logged into EA's Origin services in order to access user created content (of which there is a ton).

Assuming you weren't using GoG's version you may also be required to use Origin's client at the same time, only have it on 1 machine at a time, and have to be logged in.

Neverwinter Nights Multiplayer is gimped with some DRM, specifically you need unique keys for every client to play (otherwise it refuses to let you use it). Second the 'Premium modules' that insist you have to connect and buy said modules, like Kingmaker, Pirates of the sword coast, wyvern crown, etc.

Note: GoG does include a new cd-key on your purchase, but unless you go out of your way you'd never know or use it. The premium servers were also shut down, and if you go out of your way you can download said modules and install offline, but that's not mentioned anywhere or put as extras anywhere to make it easy. The extras 'premium modules re-installer' likely only includes Kingmaker, which was included in Diamond's DVD.
Snowslinger: Selling handicapped SINGLEPLAYER games is the last straw! DOWN WITH GAMES AS SERVICE. GOG has to prove to be better than the competition, and they are doing a poor job!
rtcvb32: Two other games handicapped and have been a while is Spore and Neverwinter Nights. I haven't seen you screaming about those two... And if those two aren't issues i'd like justification why they are different.
1. I was not aware of those.
2. I don't know how restricting the DRM is on those.
3. This is a significant case, where a huge portion of SINGLEPLAYER is gated behind always-online, not just multiplayer or a couple of cosmetic items.
Snowslinger: 1. I was not aware of those.
2. I don't know how restricting the DRM is on those.
3. This is a significant case, where a huge portion of SINGLEPLAYER is gated behind always-online, not just multiplayer or a couple of cosmetic items.
In regards to Hitman and looking at it, it appears to just be a few select parts that require online connectivity. Not a Hitman player i can't say if those are much or not at all; But Square Enix's approach to 'episode' the game into parts much like they did for FF7 and other games turned me off at the start.

Anyways, mentioned above but i'll reiterate. Spore Singleplayer works, all online-user content is gated off. NWN premium modules and multiplayer is gimped requiring you to do extra work to access those to make it work vs the base game.
low rated
rtcvb32: In regards to Hitman and looking at it, it appears to just be a few select parts that require online connectivity.
Normally that might not count as much in other games, but in this game (afaik) the SP story portion is smaller and those other parts make up a substantial chunk of the replay value.

rtcvb32: But Square Enix's approach to 'episode' the game into parts much like they did for FF7 and other games turned me off at the start.
Speaking of: I wonder if they will ever complete FF7, or if they'll pull a HL episodes. :\
low rated
Woohoo!!! Yee-haw!
Hakkaa päälle Suomen poika, ettei meitä toiset voita!
Sibelius, sauna ja sisu!
Ne on mate in Vinland!
Post edited September 24, 2021 by timppu
timppu: Woohoo!!! Yee-haw!
Hakkaa päälle Suomen poika, ettei meitä toiset voita!
Sibelius, sauna ja sisu!
Se on mate in Vinland!
Never thought you would Finnish.
rtcvb32: But Square Enix's approach to 'episode' the game into parts much like they did for FF7 and other games turned me off at the start.
GamezRanker: Speaking of: I wonder if they will ever complete FF7, or if they'll pull a HL episodes. :\
Who cares? Users wanted a PS2 port of the PS1 game, with better models/graphics and could have given it. Then they had the PS3 demo and teased everyone. I gave up on FF7 in 2014 and while they are putting out their 'remake' the fact it's 3 games instead of one, assuming each is full price 60x3=$180 for a single game. It will also be on a console i don't intend to get and i doubt i'd try for the PC version either, so i can't get my hopes up. Any excitement i had is worn out.
low rated
timppu: Woohoo!!! Yee-haw!
Hakkaa päälle Suomen poika, ettei meitä toiset voita!
Sibelius, sauna ja sisu!
Se on mate in Vinland!
instaboy: Never thought you would Finnish.
You are not making enough NOISE! Must be all those silent Teslas you Norwies are driving nowadays!

At least make some BRRRRR noise with your mouth as you are driving it!
Post edited September 24, 2021 by timppu
instaboy: Never thought you would Finnish.
timppu: You are not making enough NOISE! Must be all those silent Teslas you Norwies are driving nowadays!

At least make some BRRRRR noise with your mouth as you are driving it!
Post edited September 26, 2021 by instaboy