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low rated
Considering that closed off new posts, I thought that I would open this one.

I don't know about you but I don't like it when my service providers inject politics into their services.

On that note, I am waiting for to take a stance on the following:

- China
- Australia
- Canada
- New Zealand

Punishing innocent people because you're carrying a political chip on your shoulder is useless virtue signalling!

Unless decide to close this, please feel free to discuss.
low rated
Get rid of your corrupt, warmongering leaders,, then maybe we can talk and things return to normal.

Send Putin to Hague, International Criminal Court is waiting.
low rated
Mega Man X: Considering that closed off new posts, I thought that I would open this one.

I don't know about you but I don't like it when my service providers inject politics into their services.

On that note, I am waiting for to take a stance on the following:

- China
- Australia
- Canada
- New Zealand

Punishing innocent people because you're carrying a political chip on your shoulder is useless virtue signalling!

Unless decide to close this, please feel free to discuss.
AGREED... I Don't see why they needed to silence the discussion. I'm always hearing the "Liberals" we need to have this "Discussion" apparently its only when one side needs to blame someone for something that they feel they need to be offended on someone elses behalf cause its what is popular at the time. There are a few games on here I've been waiting to go on sale but now I feel like I Just can't spend my money here anymore. What's going on in Ukraine and Russia is way more complex than most people know. Why do they need to punish the people? If Taiwan is annexed by china I really doubt these companies will over react in the same way they've over reacted to Russia. Mostly cause of investments..... I Hope steam doesn't do the same as much as I HATE DRM it may be the only way for me to play MGSV again. I was assuming its cause GOG is under EU law why their suspending sales in Russia but now that their deleting the conversations about this I Just can't spend my money here anymore till they decide not to play partisan politics with its customers. Like my name says back to Emulation. If game developers really want to help people they should start a fund raiser to free the Russians who are protesting whats going on over there in Russia. They need as much help as the Ukranian Refugees.
low rated
do you go on for example Zara, H&M, Samsung, Apple, Paypal, Ikea, Warner Brothers and many others with the same message? or is this something reserved for gOg?
Post edited March 05, 2022 by amok
low rated
amok: do you go on for example Zara, H&M, Samsung, Apple, Paypal, Ikea, Warner Brothers and many others with the same message? or is this something reserved for gOg?
You're not making the point you think you're making, which makes it both better and sadder at the same time.
low rated
amok: do you go on for example Zara, H&M, Samsung, Apple, Paypal, Ikea, Warner Brothers and many others with the same message? or is this something reserved for gOg?
pearnon: You're not making the point you think you're making, which makes it both better and sadder at the same time.
I am making the point that you think I am not making, while you think I am making an another point, which is different from the point I think I am making, dissimilar to the point you thought I was making.
low rated
When some ignorant people say 'just go and kick out your dictator', they completely miss one huge issue. Russia is a big country. And by 'big', I mean BIG. I was born in the Far East of Russia, namely, Sakhalin region (a bunch of contested islands as well, but that's another story). And I still have friends there, who play games too.

So what happens, after a single mom from my hometown tries to buy a game for her little son and gets turned away just because she and her son were born in the wrong place? Will she first swim the cold sea and then somehow travel over 7000km to overthrow Putin? No. She will simply feel humiliated, helpless and unable to do anything. Just like many other people in the very very far away lands where gaming really adds something to the life that is harsh by itself. Good job, all the 'revolutioners' arguing from their comfy sofas!

And as for that single mom (yes, it is a true story), I gifted her a Steam game key that I got at Humble Bundle. While feeling deeply sad that people are arguing about lives they have no idea about :(
Post edited March 06, 2022 by 1AdAstra1
low rated
Mega Man X: I don't know about you but I don't like it when my service providers inject politics into their services.
Would you have said this if GOG banned Germany in 1940? Honest question.

For many the current Russia situation is not at all about "politics."
1AdAstra1: When some ignorant people say 'just go and kick out your dictator', they completely miss one huge issue. Russia is a big country. And by 'big', I mean BIG. I was born in the Far East of Russia, namely, Sakhalin region (a bunch of contested islands as well, but that's another story). And I still have friends there, who play games too.
The Russian people have allowed this madman to run the country as a dictator for decades now, and have shown they won't stop him. Therefore the rest of the world has decided to cut you off from the world and destroy your economy to persuade you to change your minds, or to weaken and isolate you if you won't.

In other words, fair or not this is all targeted at your populace as much as Putin. It's by design.
Post edited March 06, 2022 by StingingVelvet
low rated
Mega Man X: Unless decide to close this, please feel free to discuss.
As soon as one of GOG's stooges wakes up it'll be locked or more than likely memory hole'd.

The rule around here is it's a-ok for GOG to violate their own COC with overtly political actions like the Russian gamer ban, bowing to China and having a game Removed etc, and to announce such things on the forum, but us plebs are forbidden from any form of political discussion, even in their own politically charged threads.

Also GOG is still selling games from 1C, it's just more half-assed, flavour of the month, shallow virtue signalling as expected from the spineless hypocrites who run this place.

It would be so nice if consumer goods companies would learn to just shut up and sell their wares.
Post edited March 06, 2022 by ReynardFox
low rated
Leevi: Get rid of your corrupt, warmongering leaders,, then maybe we can talk and things return to normal.
In other words, we get rid of Putin and you force on us your corrupt leaders? How about you show some good wll first? So people like me could actually trust you.
Post edited March 06, 2022 by LootHunter
low rated
Mega Man X: Considering that closed off new posts, I thought that I would open this one.

I don't know about you but I don't like it when my service providers inject politics into their services.

On that note, I am waiting for to take a stance on the following:

- China
- Australia
- Canada
- New Zealand

Punishing innocent people because you're carrying a political chip on your shoulder is useless virtue signalling!

Unless decide to close this, please feel free to discuss.
It's not politics. It's war. It's not virtue signalling. It's making a statement of solidarity with the Ukraine. It's not an elegant statement but GoG is limited in what it can do that has any actual impact.

Should any of China, Australia, Canada, or New Zealand also attack the Ukraine then a similar stance may be taken against them. But, right now only Russia is invading the Ukraine and three out of four of the other nations that you brought up won't be conceivably doing that any time soon, if ever.
Mega Man X: Unless decide to close this, please feel free to discuss.
ReynardFox: As soon as one of GOG's stooges wakes up it'll be locked or more than likely memory hole'd.

The rule around here is it's a-ok for GOG to violate their own COC with overtly political actions like the Russian gamer ban, bowing to China and having a game Removed etc, and to announce such things on the forum, but us plebs are forbidden from any form of political discussion, even in their own politically charged threads.

Also GOG is still selling games from 1C, it's just more half-assed, flavour of the month, shallow virtue signalling as expected from the spineless hypocrites who run this place.

It would be so nice if consumer goods companies would learn to just shut up and sell their wares.
Ownership has it's privileges. GOG can of course state what they wish on their own forum. Their rules and guidelines are for user participation on them.
Post edited March 06, 2022 by TakesReign
low rated
1AdAstra1: When some ignorant people say 'just go and kick out your dictator', they completely miss one huge issue. Russia is a big country. And by 'big', I mean BIG. I was born in the Far East of Russia, namely, Sakhalin region (a bunch of contested islands as well, but that's another story). And I still have friends there, who play games too.
StingingVelvet: The Russian people have allowed this madman to run the country as a dictator for decades now, and have shown they won't stop him. Therefore the rest of the world has decided to cut you off from the world and destroy your economy to persuade you to change your minds, or to weaken and isolate you if you won't.

In other words, fair or not this is all targeted at your populace as much as Putin. It's by design.
In other words, you do the same thing Putin does - you attack the entire country for having a government you have problems with. Just Putin does that using military, you are using economy.
low rated
TakesReign: Ownership has it's privileges. GOG can of course state what they wish on their own forum. Their rules and guidelines are for user participation on them.
That may be true, but it doesn't stop them looking like arrogant hypocrites though.
low rated
TakesReign: Ownership has it's privileges. GOG can of course state what they wish on their own forum. Their rules and guidelines are for user participation on them.
ReynardFox: That may be true, but it doesn't stop them looking like arrogant hypocrites though.
Perhaps to those that expect the rules that apply to users to also apply to the owners, but that is not the way things typically work so shouldn't have been expected to begin with.
low rated
Mega Man X: Considering that closed off new posts, I thought that I would open this one.

I don't know about you but I don't like it when my service providers inject politics into their services.

On that note, I am waiting for to take a stance on the following:

- China
- Australia
- Canada
- New Zealand

Punishing innocent people because you're carrying a political chip on your shoulder is useless virtue signalling!

Unless decide to close this, please feel free to discuss.
TakesReign: It's not politics. It's war.
"War is merely the continuation of politics with other means."

TakesReign: Should any of China, Australia, Canada, or New Zealand also attack the Ukraine then a similar stance may be taken against them.
So, you are saying that it's not that GOG staff hates Russians, they just don't care about other countries except Ukraine and others who border them?

TakesReign: Ownership has it's privileges. GOG can of course state what they wish on their own forum. Their rules and guidelines are for user participation on them.
Leaders and oligarchs should be above the law? Who could have thought...
Post edited March 06, 2022 by LootHunter