HunchBluntley: 1. This thread was necro'd. The OP is from a year and a half ago. =)
B. Paysafecards aren't really a thing in this country. I remember another U.S. user a year or two ago posting about his difficulty finding a store that actually carried them in his city (and he had specifically asked for them in stores that the PSC website said carried them); I don't think know that he ever was able to find one. I have very low hopes that the one convenience store in my town that's listed as carrying them actually does so (if I remember, I might stop and check, just for shiggles).
okay, that is weird.....when I responded I really only saw the OPs comment, nothing else.....
Even when editing and zeogold posting only the two of us, and I do not see any indication of my edit......
really strange.....
But normally for your part ;) paysafe only lists really the shops selling it.
EDIT: sorry wrong, that was another thread (blush)