Hi, Magnitus. Thanks for replying.
I should've pointed out that I don't really think that gogcli is really the source of issue, only that maybe it just doesn't cope with whatever is issue on my side (maybe some Windows update broke something related to this, because that is really the only thing that changed from January 2022 to November 2022 on my PC).
I'll wait for your research, the rest of the message is just to elaborate further on what I did try.
Just to make this more visible:
Versions I tried with:
GOGcli GUI v2.8, v3.4, v3.5, v3.7, combined with gogcli v0.17.2 (first version I ever used, way back when there were no such issues), v0.20 and v0.21.
Magnitus: I regularly use gogcli for my backups and it works fine. However, I don't often use the full manifest generation to validate all the games. I believe I have the specific game that trips you up, so I'll give it a try this weekend.
I was actually aware something is up on my side since neither Timbolis or your thread have posts like mine. I'm really hoping you or anyone can reproduce the bug and it is something fixable on my end. One of the outcomes could be a conclusion that the issue is on GOG side, which would suck.
Magnitus: Occasionally, it can happen that gog has a bad file (the unintentional kind of bad file that you need to open a support ticket and get them to fix). When that happens, if its an important file (ex: an installer), I'll open up a support ticket with GOG, but if the file is not important (ex: a patch file), I'll usually just add an exception for it in my manifest and gogcli will ignore it.
Got it. On the same line, I think I have a completed manifest from January 2022 (I had e.g. 140, Witcher 3 at the time, but not 7.62 games), would that be of any use for maybe forcing manifest finishing?
Magnitus: Part of the message regarding checksum and workaround
I didn't mention it, but I've seen all of those additional messages - workaround worked in some cases, that is for sure. From how I remember it, I left it running for Witcher 3 for 15-20 minutes. I don't know if it failed by itself, but most likely I closed the terminal by hand.
Today I made a new directory, downloaded again and unzipped newest gogcli and GUI. I initiated manifest for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition, here is what is shown in terminal:
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition
[manifest writer] Generating/Updating manifest for 1 games
[sdk] getDownloadFileInfo(downloadPath=/downloads/the_witcher_3_wild_hunt_game_of_the_year_edition_game/92788) -> body retrieval error: stream error: stream ID 177; PROTOCOL_ERROR; received from peer. Will retry.
[sdk] getDownloadFileInfo(downloadPath=/downloads/the_witcher_3_wild_hunt_game_of_the_year_edition_game/92788) -> body retrieval error: stream error: stream ID 1; PROTOCOL_ERROR; received from peer. Will retry.
[sdk] getDownloadFileInfo(downloadPath=/downloads/the_witcher_3_wild_hunt_game_of_the_year_edition_game/92788) -> body retrieval error: stream error: stream ID 1; PROTOCOL_ERROR; received from peer. Will retry.
[sdk] getDownloadFileInfo(downloadPath=/downloads/the_witcher_3_wild_hunt_game_of_the_year_edition_game/92788) -> body retrieval error: unexpected EOF. Will retry.
[sdk] getDownloadFileInfo(downloadPath=/downloads/the_witcher_3_wild_hunt_game_of_the_year_edition_game/92788) -> body retrieval error: stream error: stream ID 3; PROTOCOL_ERROR; received from peer. Will retry.
[sdk] Bad metadata for /downloads/the_witcher_3_wild_hunt_game_of_the_year_edition_game/92788: File metadata was still fetched using much longer workaround method.
[sdk] getDownloadFileInfo(downloadPath=/downloads/the_witcher_3_wild_hunt_game_of_the_year_edition_game/92797) -> body retrieval error: unexpected EOF. Will retry.
[sdk] getDownloadFileInfo(downloadPath=/downloads/the_witcher_3_wild_hunt_game_of_the_year_edition_game/92797) -> body retrieval error: unexpected EOF. Will retry.
[sdk] getDownloadFileInfo(downloadPath=/downloads/the_witcher_3_wild_hunt_game_of_the_year_edition_game/92797) -> body retrieval error: unexpected EOF. Will retry.
[sdk] getDownloadFileInfo(downloadPath=/downloads/the_witcher_3_wild_hunt_game_of_the_year_edition_game/92797) -> body retrieval error: unexpected EOF. Will retry.
[sdk] getDownloadFileInfo(downloadPath=/downloads/the_witcher_3_wild_hunt_game_of_the_year_edition_game/92797) -> body retrieval error: unexpected EOF. Will retry.
After this 5th retry no further operation occurred for exactly 5 minutes, and then it continued, with the same 5 retries. 15 minutes later, only the terminal cursor is blinking, no new outputs.
Starting the "Manifest for all" at the previous list entry (which is The Witcher 2, and that seems to be added to manifest with no messages) produces the same errors, but for quite longer and doesn't seem to stop.
It switches between:
- [sdk] getDownloadFileInfo(downloadPath=/downloads/the_witcher_3_wild_hunt_game_of_the_year_edition_game/92812) -> body retrieval error: stream error: stream ID 3; PROTOCOL_ERROR; received from peer. Will retry.
- [sdk] getDownloadFileInfo(downloadPath=/downloads/the_witcher_3_wild_hunt_game_of_the_year_edition_game/92797) -> body retrieval error: unexpected EOF. Will retry.
with workaround message popping up sometimes.