Sorry for not responding in timely fashion. When I wrote my first message, I had an honest attention to first try different versions of gogcli and gogcliGUI, see if anything changes and then respond to you. But afterwards I couldn't spare time to do the intended "project" and as usual with similar things, the topic of backing up games went into the secondary "to-do" list, and then pushed.
I'll try to cover as many topics in this post as shortly as possible, this is kind of balance between "spam the thread with multiple posts, after getting response from you" and "write a bloody novel". (it seems I failed at "don't write a bloody novel)
So, the problem persists on my end - adding/downloading some specific games by hand or using "Download All" manifest button, the result is the same - there are errors that don't seem quite right.
Everything was working up until some point, I can only guess issues started after first quarter of 2022, when I first posted in your thread. That's when I had plans to start backing up games, bought hard drives, but again - it took secondary priority until now. I didn't use gogcli GUI for a while, until end of November 2022.
I'm quite sure something is going on with gogcli or worse case and might be more likely, my library.
Versions I tried with:
GOGcli GUI v2.8, v3.4, v3.5, v3.7, combined with gogcli v0.17.2 (first version I ever used, way back when there were no such issues), v0.20 and v0.21.
Even running gogcli by itself, different versions, for a single game, without GUI, fails.
This is the error output when I try to add "140" to the manifest by using either method (it's the first game in my list):
[manifest writer] Generating/Updating manifest for 3 games
[manifest writer] Got all info on game with id 1096313866. 2 games left to process
[manifest writer] Got all info on game with id 1440426004. 1 games left to process
[sdk] getDownloadFileInfo(downloadPath=/downloads/
earth_2140_trilogy/4443) -> body retrieval error: unexpected EOF. Will retry.
And it goes on like this. After closing the terminal by hand small window pops up with message "Retrieval failed! Error 3".
What does "Earth 2140 Trilogy" have to do with "140"?
When I start Download ALL manifest from next game in line "15 days", that goes without a hitch until next game produces an issue.
Some games, like 7.62 Hard Life and 7.62 High Calibre, produced issues, but were added to manifest after a while. Log file doesn't give info if there was an issue, just if the game was added or not:
2023-03-15 22:52:36 : GET MANIFEST - 7.62 High Calibre
2023-03-15 22:53:10 : ADD to manifest.
2023-03-15 23:21:28 : GET MANIFEST - Atlantis: The Lost Tales
2023-03-15 23:24:31 : MANIFEST Retrieval FAILED.
2023-03-17 01:08:41 : Get MANIFEST For ALL.
2023-03-17 01:08:41 : GET MANIFEST - 140
2023-03-17 01:09:17 : MANIFEST Retrieval FAILED.
How I installed Gogcli and GUI up until now - unzip into a new folder in this path C:\GOG\New (GUI version number).
When Cookie file is created, I open older Cookie file and copy/paste into new one.
Unzipping gogcli and GUI into a different path or drive doesn't change the behavior.
If something is wrong with my library, do you have any idea what to do about it?
If you want, I can direct this to Magnitus thread, as it doesn't seem an issue with GUI.